Chapter 53: The Council's Proposal

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Aria sat in her office at the castle doing paperwork when Hanabusa entered.

"Empress, I know you're very busy with all the new bill requests.. but someone has requested an audience with you," Hanabusa says

"Tell them to go away" Aria doesn't look up from her papers and sighs "Mother hasn't looked over Bill proposals in years, she didn't seem to care about anyone's opinion besides her own."

"Your majesty" Hanabusa walks forward "It's the Green Ninja, Lloyd Garmadon"

Aria immediately stands up "I suppose one audience wouldn't hurt" she rushes to the door "Let's go"

"yes ma'am" Hanabusa smiles

Hanabusa leads Aria through the castle and to the main hall where Lloyd stood in his ninja gi without his hood on.

"Aria" Lloyd turns to her "Oh wait, I mean, Empress Aria."

Aria smiles "it's just us here Lloydie, you can call me Aria."

"Right, Aria" Lloyd glances at Hanabusa

"Hm" Aria glances at Hanabusa then looks back at Lloyd "don't worry, he's not big on that royalty stuff, the one who would scold us is Kaname"

"Kaname's the one that's head of your Vampire Knights.. the scary one" Lloyd says "right?"

"Yeah, I guess Kaname can be a bit scary" Aria giggles "but he's good at his job, like you are"

"I'm scary?" Lloyd questions

"pft" Aria grabs his hood and puts it up "not to me"

"Hey!" Lloyd puts his hood back down and laughs "Didn't think so"

"So, what brings you here?" Aria asks

"Oh, just wanted to get your stamp of approval for some imports we're doing." Lloyd brings out some papers "I know usually we have to send it in and wait like everyone else.. but I thought.. maybe you could.. you know.. for a favor?"

"You want to use your personal connections for an Imperial stamp of approval?" Aria questions with an annoyed look "Instead of waiting in line?"

"..well.. yes.." Lloyd smiles

"Gimme." Aria holds her hand out

Lloyd hands her the documents, Aria turns to Hanabusa.

"Hanabusa, fetch the royal seal from my office." Aria commands

"Right away Empress." Hanabusa bows before exiting the room

"You scold me but you'll do it anyway?" Lloyd asks with a laugh

"Well, you are the ninja." Aria sighs "And we are childhood friends, just don't expect this every time you wanna build your crazy gadgets."

"Yes ma'am." Lloyd hugs her "thanks, Ari."

Aria blushes "Yeah yeah"

Someone clears their throat and the two turn to see Kaname, the captain of the royal guards.

"Oh.. hi Kaname" Aria smiles

"Your council meeting your highness." Kaname reminds her "You're late."

"The Empress is never late." Aria responds "Everyone else is simply early."

"Don't be smart with me your majesty." Kaname takes her arm "Let's get going."

Aria whines "Lloydie save meeee."

"You're not a child." Kaname lectures "You're the Empress."

"Those old men are a pain." Aria pouts

"Aria go to your meeting, I'll wait for you to get out," Lloyd tells her

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