Chapter 80: Crystastrophe

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"Empress!" Hanabusa cries running to her

Kaname grabs him by the collar and pulls him back as Aria approaches the hospital bed where Zero laid. The Ninja were currently trying to deal with her father's forces as she was back with her guards.

"Empress," Kaname speaks "his vitals are stable and they say he will make a full recovery."

"..I'm glad." Aria stares at her brother

"Aria cover!" Zero shields her as the roof above them collapses

"My brother risked his life to save me," Aria turns to her guards "We won't let his sacrifice be in vein. Get every available guard ready, those who are critically injured must remain here. The rest of us will join the front lines. We will protect Ninjago!"

"Yes ma'am!" Kaname and Hanabusa agree

"But uh-" Hanabusa looks around nervously "What about you?"

"What do you mean?" Aria questions

"Who will protect you?" Hanabusa asks

"Us, idiot." Kaname replies

"No," Aria shakes her head "I will be leading us."

"But-" Hanabusa shakes his head "No. No!"

"You're father is clearly trying to corrupt you your highness." Kaname tells her "He was able to draw out your dark form but not corrupt your spirit. Who knows what will happen if he tries again."

"I am the Empress," Aria looks at Zero "I will do what is necessary."

Kaname and Hanabusa look at each other before bowing to Aria.

"We are your loyal guards your majesty." Kaname says

"We will be with you till the end." Hanabusa agrees


On the rice fields, villagers flee from Vengestone Guards, and Cole blasts a few guards away from them.

"Ha! Invincible, my butt!" Cole laughs before the guards get up "Oh no!" his car is sent flying through the air "Yikes! Uh, slight problem here."

"Hang on, Cole, ole' buddy, I gotcha!" Jay races towards him before stopping next to his car "Come on, Cole. I think it's time to get out of here! Jump on my bike!"

"Just gimme a sec here!" Cole hits his buttons, trying to get his car open

"Cole, we have to go. Now!" Jay panics seeing the Vengestone Guards getting closer

Suddenly Aria jumps Infront of them and sends a blast of dark energy at the Vengestone Guards, knocking them back.

"Aria!" Cole looks shocked

Aria grabs Cole's car and opens it with her bruit strength.

"Man am I glad to see you. Phew." Cole lets out a breath before getting out of his car "You saved my butt Aria."

Nya arrives on the Destiny's Bounty "You okay down there?"

"Yeah! But my engine is fried!" Cole replies

"Jay, can you tow Cole's vehicle back to the Sam X Cave?" Nya asks

"Yeah, I think so." Jay answers "What about you?"

"I'll meet you there. We may have found a way to stop all this!" Nya tells them

"That's great!" Cole turns to Aria "How's the frontlines?"

"We're able to draw them back but not for long." Aria sighs "Whatever it is that can stop them, keep me updated."

"You know we will." Cole holds his fist out to her

Aria smiles before giving him a fist bump "Stay safe cuz."

"You too." Cole says

Aria turns to the warriors and charges at them as Cole and Jay worriedly watch her before turning to leave.


Aria and her army fight the Vengestone Warriors as they make their way through Ninjago City.

"Empress!" Hanabusa pants as he stands against her back "They've broken through everywhere!"

"This isn't good." Aria looks around at her army "Everyone's exhausted.. I don't know if we can keep going like this.."

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