Chapter 73: A Painful Promise

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Kaname and Hanabusa lead their team down to the Ninja's bunker. As the door opens they see Aspheera blasting her staff at an ice Nya.

"By order of the Empress," Kaname steps out

The ninja gasp turning to the group of Knights.

"The Ninja are under arrest!" Hanabusa finishes drawing his sword

"You know, when the new ninja do that they sound stupid." Lloyd comments

"But when they do it," Jay shivers "They're scary."

"I'll take that as a compliment." Kaname smirks as he takes out his sword

"We gotta hold them off until Nya's safe!" Lloyd shouts to the other ninja

"That shouldn't be too hard." Kai puts his fists together

Hanabusa and the rest of their unit take out their swords.

"Guys, this isn't a walk in the park!" Cole takes a defensive stance "These are Aria's elite squad of Knights, her personal guards!"

"Oh yes, and we take our job very seriously." Kaname's eyes glow red

The ninja take a step back, in shock, before the rest of the unit's eyes glow red.

"They're vampire knights!" Cole tells the others

The knights charge at the ninja as they go to defend themselves.

"Vampire's are supposed to just be fiction!" Jay shouts as he dodges a blade

"They are." Zane says as he barely dodges an attack

A surge of energy suddenly sweeps through the monastery and then the entire city, knocking everyone back and causing a blackout. The lights soon come back on in the monastery.

"Nya!" Jay quickly races to her side "Nya" he sees that she is okay "It worked. It worked!"

Kai races to her side as well as the Vampire Knights shake their heads and begin to get back on their feet. They soon surround the Ninja, Lloyd soon approaches them with his hands raised.

"Alright, we surrender." Lloyd says

The other ninja follow his lead and raise their hands.

"By the power of Empress Aria, I hereby place all of you, under arrest." Kaname says as he puts cuffs on Lloyd "And don't worry. We'll find Aspheera soon enough.

"I hope it was worth it" Hanabusa adds, looking more sympathetic

"It was." Lloyds nods-

Kaname takes out a jewel shard and taps it "Empress."

"Yes?" Aria's voice was heard on the other side

"We have the ninja in custody." Kaname informs her

Hanabusa walks over "You don't really want us to send them to jail do you?"

"...yes" they hear Aria's hesitant response

Jay looks at Wu "Take care of Nya. Tell her I love her."

The Vampire knights begin to take the Ninja away as Kaname and Hanabusa turn towards Wu, PIXAL, and Nya.

"We don't have any reason to arrest you three, but we're watching you." Kaname tells them "If you even try to break the ninja out, we'll arrest you too."

Kaname nudges Hanabusa as he walks past him. 

Hanabusa glances at Wu "We're sorry" is all he says before following Kaname out.


"So," Zero breaks the awkward silence the next day "how long will you keep them in there?"

"A couple weeks at most." Aria replies "Just to teach them a little lesson."

"But I thought the conviction was 5 years?" Zero chuckles

"Of course it was, but I'm the Empress." Aria looks at him with a smirk "Whatever I say goes."

"You're a mischievous one." Zero laughs "You'll just let them think they'll be in there 5 years."

"I can't have my fiancé in jail forever." Aria pouts "I'd miss him too much."

The two siblings laugh and go back to what they were doing.

"So, feel a little less paranoid now that it's peaceful?" Zero asks

"A little." Aria admits "But I still have this eerie feeling that won't go away."

"I'm sure it's nothing." Zero tells her as he stands up "Want a snack?"

"Nah I'm good." Aria responds

Zero shrugs before heading out the room.

Aria sighs "I'm sure he's right, it's probably nothing."

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