Chapter 38: Game of Masks

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They go inside the Oni Temple where the first trial consisted of pillars, Aria jumps on top of one.

"This isn't like our ancestor's grave." Zero calls out to her

"I'll be fine." Aria replies "Go back and wait for the ninja."

"It's dangerous to send you in there alone." Zero says "I don't trust you with that mask."

"Don't put it on, I know." Aria laughs "Trust me, I won't."

Zero hesitantly turns back and leaves the temple. Aria jumps on a pillar with a carving on it, it starts to crumble, she quickly jumps to safety.

"Don't step on that one." Aria sighs "Got it."

After getting past the trial, she entered the end of the cave that has a narrow path leading to a circular platform with a box containing the mask where Lloyd and Harumi stood.

Harumi gasps "The Mask of Hatred" She strides over to the mask tries to grab it but fails "Only someone with Oni blood can take the mask"

Lloyd tries to pull it out but it doesn't come out.

"What?" Harumi says confused

"It moves for me but it won't come out" Lloyd looks frustrated

"That's because your blood is tainted." Aria walks up to them

"Aria?" Harumi looks surprised "Are you here with the other ninja?"

"No I'm afraid not, I jumped off the Bounty to follow the two of you." Aria replies

"What do you mean my blood is tainted?" Lloyd questions

"You're not a full Oni, nor do you have a dragon form, you cannot pull out the mask." Aria answers

"But you can." Lloyd says "You're a full blooded Oni."

"What makes you so sure?" Aria asks

"Your mother's an Oni, my father told me that once." Lloyd responds "And your father.. is an Oni."

Aria walks up to the box and pulls out the mask.

"Right again you are Lloydie." Aria smiles to him

"It doesn't make sense, he's related to the First Spinjitzu Master." Harumi says confused "He was an Oni"

"I never told you that. Jay and I were alone when Mistaké told us the story." Lloyd looks at her suspiciously "You were never there."

"Then I must've heard it from Jay" Harumi turns towards Aria "Can I see it?"

"No." Aria takes a step back from her

Lloyd looks at Harumi "You're the Quiet One aren't you"

"How could you say that?" Harumi asks hurt

Harumi tries to snatch the mask away, but composes her face as soon as Lloyd looks at her.

"Oh, yes. I'm the criminal mastermind. How could I have done this?" Harumi asks

"You were hoping I'd die with my mother weren't you?" Aria questions

"Do you realize how silly you're sounding?" Harumi smiles "We're sisters."

"You were never my sister." Aria says

"Lloyd I...I love you" she goes to kiss him.

Lloyd pushes her away "Stay back"

"Lloyd" Harumi looks hurt

"You only wanted me to get the mask you couldn't find" Lloyd says

"I didn't need you to find the mask. It would've already been mine had your idiot friends not stolen Wu from us" Harumi grins evilly

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