Chapter 82: Until I Found You

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A 5 year old girl walks along the gold field looking around happily.

"This place is so pretty!" she laughs

"It is isn't it?"

The little girls turns to see a man with blonde hair smiling down at her.

"What's your name mister?" she asks

"My name isn't important." the old man says "You're a long way from home little one."

"Home?" the little girl looks confused "What's that?"

"It's the place you go back to," the old man responds as he sits down "the place you feel comfortable."

"hm." the little girl looks up "I can't think of anywhere like that.. but.. I think someone I feel comfortable around.. is Lloydie! He's my best friend in the whole world!" she pouts "but I can't remember where he is."

The old man chuckles "I suppose, it's natural he's the one you think of."

"Do you know him?" the little girl asks as she sits beside him

"I guess you can say that, I've only met him once." The old man replies "He's my grandson, he's a fine young man."

"I miss him." the little girl looks down at the field

"I know you do." the old man pats her head "would you like to live your life with him?"

"Mhm," the little girl nods "their's no one else in the world that could compare to him.

"What about your parents?" the old man asks

"I like mommy." the little girl responds "But.. I hate daddy."

"Why is that?" the old man questions

"He's a bad guy." the little girl responds puffing her cheeks angrily "I hate him, I don't want him to be my daddy!"

"But if he wasn't your dad, you wouldn't be you." the old man tells her "You would be someone different."

The little girl kicks her legs "yeah, but then Lloydie would like me better."

"But Lloyd likes you how you are." the old man smiles at her "if you were someone different, maybe he wouldn't like you."

"No!" the little girl looks up at him "I don't want that!"

"Then, cherish who you are." the old man says

The little girl glows until she changed.

The little girl glows until she changed

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Aria looked over at the old man.

"If you were born to be someone else, wouldn't there be a chance you wouldn't fall in love with Lloyd?" the old man asks

"I would never fall in love again until I found him." Aria replies "I was lost within the darkness, until he became my light. That's something I could never replace."

"You don't have to choose to embrace the dark." the old man smiles "You can choose light."

"But I'm the Overlord's daughter, I could never truly embrace the light." Aria tells him "I always tried to be kind and all everyone sees is the Overlord's daughter."

"The only one who sees you as that is you." the old man says "You will always be the daughter of the Overlord as Lloyd is always the son of Garmadon. Lloyd has grown to be more then who his father is."

"Lloyd was the destined green ninja." Aria looks down "He was always destined for greatness, like I knew he was. I was always destined to be who I am."

"But, who are you?" the old man asks

"Aria." Aria replies confused

"That's right." the old man smiles "You are Aria, nobody else."

Aria looks at the man "You.."

"Oni can change many forms," the old man holds out his hand for a butterfly to land on "you have seen many different sides of yourself. It's time, to transform, once again." 

Aria watches as the butterfly flies away

"As you always have." the old man looks at her "It's time to change from the daughter of the Overlord, into Aria. Just Aria."

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