Chapter 11: Rise of the Spinjitzu Master

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Lloyd makes it to the top of the building and confronts the Overlord.

"I have come here to fight you!" Lloyd shouts

"You're in no shape to fight. It's over. Evil wins" the Overlord says

"A ninja never quits!" Lloyd shouts

The Overlord laughs "You don't even have a sword"

"I don't need a sword" Lloyd surrounds himself with his Energy, creating a force field.

"Then all I have to say is... goodbye" The Overlord opens his mouth and blasts Lloyd with Darkness, nearly pushing him off the building.

Lloyd's Energy force field grows, harming the Overlord. Lloyd becomes the Ultimate Spinjitzu Master. Lloyd's gi has changed to a golden color. The Overlord swipes at Lloyd and the latter is pushed back. Lloyd blocks his wing and is kicked backward. Lloyd counterattacks. He kicks the Overlord, sending him back.

Lloyd summons his Golden Dragon.

"You can't defeat me. Where there is Light, there will always be Shadow!" The Overlord shouts

"Unless my light is bright enough!" Lloyd shouts

The Golden Dragon tackles the Overlord, and they are both sent falling downward. 

The two dragons move upward. The Overlord surrounds Lloyd with a cloud of Shadow, allowing himself to grow in size. The Overlord starts laughing and attempts to devour Lloyd; however, the latter starts resisting.

"No. No! NO! NOOO!" The Overlord shouts as Lloyd uses Golden Power to defeat the Overlord. 

The Overlord implodes, and the fog engulfing entire city disappears with everyone who was corrupted is turned back to normal.


Aria opens her eyes and is greeted by warm light.

"Am I dead?" she mutters

She heard a commotion of voices, and she sits up suddenly. Around her was rubble and the sun shun brightly above her.

"I'm alive..." Aria grabs a piece of ruble next to her and pulls herself to her feet

Nearby she sees her mother being helped up by the head of the royal guards, she was rubbing her head and looking around.

"Mother!" tears ran down Aria's face as she ran to her

"Aria!" Layla runs towards her daughter and hugs her

"Mother" Aria repeats crying her eyes out "You were right, I was so afraid."

"It's ok" Layla rubs Aria's head, holding back her own tears "Everything's ok."

"I met dad" Aria told

"What?!" Layla grabs her daughters face "Are you ok?! Did he hurt you?!"

"I think... I think he ate me" Aria tells her

"What?!" Layla shouts looking angry "I swear if i ever see him again I'm gonna kick his a-"

"Your Majesty!" the head guard shouts then whispers "their's people around"

"..." Layla looks back down at her daughter "All that matters, is that you're ok."

"Am I?" Aria questions

"Are you?" Layla asks

"I feel kinda strange" Aria admits putting her hand on her back

"Let me see" Layla turns her daughter around, she gasps

"What's wrong?" Aria asks worriedly

Layla stares where the symbol of the Overlord was on her shoulder.

"Yes..." Layla continues staring at it "You're ok..." she turns her daughter around "We can't talk here."

Layla turns and walks to her guards that have gathered around.

"We must begin repairing the city at once, make sure everyone is unharmed, give treatment to anyone hurt." Layla orders

"Yes ma'am!" the guards quickly start moving

"Come" Layla takes Aria's hand and quickly begins moving towards the palace.

Aria looks back where the Ninja are all celebrating, and Lloyd was reuniting with his father. Aria smiles and turns back to keep up with her mother.

Once they arrived back at the palace Layla explained to Aria that a mark had appeared on her back. It was the symbol of the Overlord, a mark that appears once the heritage is passed on. Back where they use to live each dragon had a symbol to mark who was in power. Her father gotten the mark of the Lord's once his father died.

Now that the Overlord was no more Aria had inherited the mark, it was a widely known mark since the war between the first spinjitsu master and the Overlord. Aria could never wear anything that could expose this mark, or she would be in danger. Nobody in Ninjago could know she was the Overlord's daughter.

Now that the symbol had appeared, Layla has also feared that Aria's powers would start physically showing. In order to keep her and everyone else safe she wanted to send her away to learn to control her powers.

"Where would I go?" Aria asks scared "Who would teach the daughter of the Overlord?"

Layla smiles "Don't worry, I have a friend."

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