Chapter 56: The Side Quest

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"Man, that last guy was a pain." Jay says as he jumps through the portal

Aria follows after him "Well, you did try to haggle him."

"It was a suggestion." Jay argues

"It was 300 credits and you suggested 3." Aria looks at him disapprovingly

"Hey, I already thought of a cool name to go with the costume." Jay says "I'm getting it."

"Then you better hope we get a hefty sum for this quest." Aria replies walking ahead of him

"Hey Empress wait up!" Jay shouts running after her

"So, what's the name you're thinking of?" Aria asks

"Super Star Rockin Jay!" Jay replies excitedly

"That sounds stupid" Aria laughs

"So I've been told, just wait, everyone will be worshiping me." Jay boasts

"Uh huh." Aria rolls her eyes

"You're so mean." Jay whines, he looks around the desert area they were in before turning back towards her "So why do you think this quest is called the chasm?" Aria grabs him before he falls off a cliff "ah!"

"that's why" Aria says pointing down

The two look down into the large circular chasm, their was a very slim path leading all the way down.

"We have to go down there?!" Jay shouts "It's so deep!"

"Yeah.." Aria kicks a rock down

The two listen for what seem like minutes before they look at each other, not hearing a sound.

"Is it bottomless?" Jay questions

"Only one way to find out." Aria uses her menu to pull out some torches, she hands one to Jay

The two start heading down the path, the chasm kept going down in circles with seemingly no end.  While traveling Jay was telling her about their adventure in the Never Realm.

"So then when Lloyd was off on his own, he ended up trauma dumping to a wolf who was actually a person." Jay continues

Aria laughs "He was trauma dumping?"

"Yeah, he told her all about his problems with his dad, with you-"

"What do you mean with me?" Aria asks "What'd I do?"

"No nothing," Jay quickly clarifies "He was telling her how you were childhood friends but then after overhearing your council tell you to get married he panicked cause he didn't want you to marry another guy."

"He didn't?" Aria blushes "But wait he overheard my council?"

"Uh.." Jay looks away "Yeah, but anyway-"

Suddenly a notification popped Infront of them. Quest Update: Destroy the Beast Within the Chasm.

"The beast within the Chasm?" Jay looks confused

"That means we're close." Aria tells him as she continues down

"Why do i feel like we shouldn't go down further?" Jay gulps before following after her

The two soon make it to the floor of the Chasm, torches on the wall all lit up around them, revealing a giant cave in front of them.

"It's a boss fight." Jay says as he readies his weapon

Aria summons her katana and holds it up. Soon a health bar appears in front of the cave with the name Ruin Serpent.

"Not another snake!" Jay shouts "Haven't I faced enough snakes in my life?!"

"Apparently not enough." Aria laughs

Soon enough the boss appeared.

Aria stares at it "Oh what the-"

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Aria stares at it "Oh what the-"

"Empress!" Jay pushes her out of the way of its tail

The two quickly move on top of the rocks, the serpent swings its tail at the rocks, they jump away as it's destroyed. Jay attacks it's tail a couple times as Aria hits it's body and it takes a good amount of damage. It soon moves and buries under the ground.

Jay and Aria stand back to back looking around for any sign of movement. Soon the ground under them moves and they jump away just before the beast jumps up. Aria uses her katana to send energy at it, which knocks in down.

Jay and Aria take the initiative to attack it, once it was low health the beast shrieked before lunging straight at the two. Jay quickly jumped away, once it impacted Aria it went completely through her as she became particles. She jumped up and sliced right through it, taking it's remaining health.

Quest Complete: The Chasm.

"That was amazing!" Jay shouts running over to her excitedly "How'd you do that?!"

"I don't know.." Aria looks at her hand before looking at Jay "I think I glitched."

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