Chapter 75: The Council of the Crystal King

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"Do you think it was wise sending those two to fetch the Ninja?" Zero asks his sister

Aria sat on her throne reading a book "Well, they are my best men."

"Is it safe though?" Zero clarifies

"Of course." Aria replies with a smile "I have you after all."

"You're right." Zero smiles as he leans against her throne "I am your faithful older brother."

"Wait stop!"

The two turn towards the door as it opens. There stood Layla, with dozens of crystalized robots behind her.

"Mother?!" Aria stands up

Zero stands up as he unsheathes his sword.

"Hello dearest." Layla smiles "It's been a long time."

"Stay back Aria." Zero stands in front of her

"Aria.. your not wearing your necklace." Layla walks towards her "It was such a lovely gift from your father."

Aria looks around at the crystalized spider bots surrounding the room as Layla walked closer. Layla stopped in front of Zero who put the tip of his sword to her throat.

"That's close enough!" Zero glares at her "Don't come closer to the Empress!"

"That's no way to speak to your mother, you ungrateful son." Layla glares at him

"Zero." Aria grabs Zero's shoulder "What are you doing to mother?!"

"That's not our mother!" Zero replies "Look at her eyes!"

Aria looks at her mother, who had glowing pink eyes. Aria put her hand to her chest.

"I heard Kaname and Hanabusa went away on a trip." Layla smiles "I figured it was time to collect you."

"Collect me?" Aria looks confused

"I told you, remember dear." Layla tilts her head "You're apart of the Crystal Council."

The crystal robots jump at them, Zero swings his sword and slices them in two.

"Run!" Zero grabs Aria's hand and quickly runs past their mother, out of the room.

"After them!" Layla orders

The crystalized robots chase after the two as Aria's crystal ball glowed.

"Hm" Layla turns to it

"Empress Aria." Kaname's voice came out "Are you there?"

"Oh hello, you must be Kaname." Layla laughs  as she picks up the ball "My, you sound all grown up since I last saw you."

"What?" Hanabusa's voice came out

"Layla.." Kaname says

"Yes, that's me." Layla replies sweetly "What's wrong?"

"What are you doing there?!" Kaname demands "Where's Empress Aria?!"

"Oh you mean the Crystal Princess," Layla giggles "She's coming home."

Layla drops the ball before stomping on it, shattering it into pieces. She smirks before leaving the room.


Back in the desert, Kaname and Hanabusa had taken off running towards Ninjago.

"Shit!" Kaname curses "If only we didn't leave! This is your fault you idiot!"

"Empress please be ok." Hanabusa cries

"We need to get a message to the ninja!" Kaname whistles


Meanwhile, Lloyd arrives at a table, where Pythor, Aspheera, Vangelis, and a newly modeled Mister E are seated. He was disguised as the Mechanic, to find out the secret behind the Crystal Council.

"Mr. E?" Lloyd questions

"Mister F." Pythor corrects "He's the new model. Unfortunately, he still doesn't talk."

"And you are?" Vangelis asks

"Me? Uh, I'm - I'm the Mechanic, of course, as you can see." Lloyd responds with a disguised voice

"Should I know that name?" Vangelis raises his eyebrow

"Well, if you live in Ninjago City, you do." Lloyd responds "I'm the one who unleashed Unagami, before the ninja messed everything up and turned him into a sappy kid!"

"The ninja have meddled in all our plans." Aspheera complains "The time for revenge is at hand. Revenge. Revenge!"

"Revenge, revenge" Pythor mocks

"What?" Aspheera glares at him

"What what?" Pythor asks

"What did you say?" Aspheera questions angrily

"I don't know." Pythor shrugs "What did I say?"

"So, uh, who sits there?" Lloyd points to an empty seat

"Our host, I presume." Vangelis responds

"The Crystal King." Pythor adds

Suddenly the sound of heels are heard and a women with a Kabuki Mask enters the room "Wrong. That's where I sit."

"You're not the Crystal King" Aspheera points out

"You're right," She replies "I am his queen."

"More like a servant." Vangelis says

"You should watch your tone, Vangelis." the Lady in the Kabuki Mask looks at him "You have me to thank for those shiny new wings. Or perhaps you'd rather reconsider and have us send you back to where we found you?"

"What does this Crystal King want from us?" Aspheera intervenes

"He will reveal his plan in time." She walks accross the room "But this, is not the time. Unfortunately, it seems we have an imposter among us."

The villains gasps.

"What? Where?" Pythor looks around

Aspheera glares at Lloyd, who is disguised as the Mechanic, suspiciously.

"Who?" Lloyd questions

Aspheera whips around to Vangelis "It's you!"

"How dare you?!" Vangelis shouts

"You're the only one wearing a mask!" Aspheera argues

"Are you blind? So is he!" Vangelis points toward Mister F

Mister F glares at Vangelis.

"Silence!" the Lady in the Kabuki Mask "All of you. Look, and see for yourselves."

A Crystal Spider plays its recording from the train tunnel, where the ninja were fighting the Mechanic. The recording reveals that the Mechanic there was a fake. When the recording ends, everyone stares at Lloyd.

"You're forgetting one thing." Lloyd says

"What's that?" Vangelis questions

"That!" Lloyd points at the wall, then runs away when everyone turns away from him.

"Get him!" The Lady in the Kabuki Mask orders

The villains attack Lloyd, Pythor turns invisible and grabs him. Lloyd does Spinjitzu and knocks the villains back. Mister F hits Lloyd with his blaster and he collapses.

"So," the Lady in the Kabuki Mask walks over "you came all this way to find out who I am. Can't you guess? I'll give you a clue."

Lloyd opens his eyes as the villains surround him.

"It always seems more quiet in the dark." The Lady in the Kabuki Mask begins to sing sweetly "It always feels so stark, how silence grows under the moon, and it's always gone so soon."

"It.. can't be." Lloyd says in disbelief, he knew that lullaby

Layla takes off her mask as she finishes singing the last line "And when creation goes to die, you can find me in the sky. Upon the last day, and you will be okay.."

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