Chapter 70: Farewell the Sea

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It's been one year since Nya saved Ninjago and became one with the sea.

Aria sat upon her throne, reading a scroll, as Cole entered looking angry.


Kaname interrupts him "That's Empress Aria to you."

"Kaname." Aria looks up from her scroll "he's family" she then looks over at Cole "What's the matter?"

"The TV!" Cole walks up until he was right in front of her "There's New Ninja! Just who the heck are they?!"

"They're.." Aria looks away from him with a guilty look "well, they're in training."

"You did this?" Cole asks looking betrayed

"The ninja broke up, my knights were spread out thin, I didn't know what else to do Cole." Aria explains looking sympathetic "You need to understand my position."

"No, you've given up on us." Cole replies angrily "Well I'm not!"

Cole storms out of the room.

"Cole!" Aria calls out after him

"Let him be Empress." Kaname advises "He and the other old ninja must still be suffering."

"...yes" Aria stands up "I should get ready."

"Will you be leading the ceremony?" Kaname asks

"I will," Aria smiles "I hope, it will show them, that we care."

"I hope so." Kaname smiles as well


"Are you ready?" Hanabusa approaches Aria and holds out his hand "Empress?"

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"Are you ready?" Hanabusa approaches Aria and holds out his hand "Empress?"

"Yes." Aria sighs before taking his hand

"Blue, isn't a color I see you wear often." Hanabusa comments, to try to break the tension

"I thought it was fitting." Aria replies "It is in her honor after all."

"You are right." Hanabusa smiles

Aria stood in front of the large crowd with a smile on her face. Almost all of Ninjago had shown up to the candlelight vigil she had held in Nya's honor.

"Thank you all," Aria addresses the crowd "For showing up today. The water ninja, Nya, has sacrificed so much for this city- no, for this Empire. Today we light these candles with our messages, hoping that it will reach her and those who are suffering from her loss."

The crowd claps as Aria makes her way over to the water. She kneels down and places her lantern in the water.

"I hope, this reaches them." Aria mutters before releasing it

As Aria stood up, the people began to place their own lanterns in the water, to follow Aria's.

"Empress," Hanabusa takes her hand "your dress is wet."

"Oh.." Aria looks down at her dress "I suppose it is.."

Out on the ocean, dozens of small lanterns from the candlelight vigil float towards the lighthouse. Jay gasps as he runs to the shore, picking up a lantern. Kai, Zane and Cole follow him. In the distance, Lloyd was walking up to them.

"It's beautiful." Lloyd says as he approaches the ninja

"You came." Cole says happily turning towards him

"What changed your mind?" Kai asks

"Nya wouldn't want us to quit. If she saw us like this, she'd kick our butts and tell us to get back to work." Lloyd replies with a light chuckle

Jay rips off his beard, he put his hand on his chin "Ow! That hurt."

The five put their hands together in a circle.

"So what do you say? For Nya?" Lloyd smiles

"For Nya!" the others agree

The five stand ashore the lighthouse watching all the lanterns.

"It looks as if everyone in the city took part in this." Jay points out "I wonder who orchestrated it all?"

"Who else?" Lloyd turns towards him with a smile "Our Empress."

"Aria did this?" Cole questions with a surprised look

"Yeah.. she told me about it when we went out the other day." Lloyd replies "I thought it would be pointless, that it wouldn't reach anybody. I was wrong though.." he looks out at the sea filled with lanterns "It reached us."

"I had her wrong then." Cole smiles "Thanks, Aria."

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