Chapter 72: Public Enemies 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5!

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Aria was sitting on her throne playing a video game with Zero when Hanabusa walks in looking annoyed.

"Empresssss" Hanabusa whines as he walks towards her

"What's the matter?" Aria asks, as she pauses her game.

"The Ninja are here to see you." Hanabusa responds

"Ah," Aria hides behind her throne "Tell them I'm not here."

"You're clearly here darling."

Aria peers out from behind her throne to see Lloyd and the ninja behind him.

"Oh.. you ninja." Aria walks out from behind her throne "I thought he meant the new Ninja."

Hanabusa just nods as Kaname walks over and smacks Hanabusa.

"Ow" Hanabusa rubs his head and turns to Kaname "What'd you do that for?"

"Idiot." Kaname says

"Sorry honey." Aria walks down to them

"It's alright, I understand," Lloyd responds as he takes takes her hand "You look lovely today." he brings her hand to his lips and places a kiss on her knuckles

Aria giggles "thank you honey."

"Anyway, we came to see you for a reason." Lloyd says

"I figured." Aria sighs "What do you need?"

"Well, dear, it's about Nya." Lloyd answers

"We just discovered we have a chance to save her and bring her back." Cole explains

"Really?" Aria asks excitedly "That's great!"

"But we need Aspheera's help, so we have to let her out of Kryptarium." Lloyd explains further

"Aspheera!?" Aria shouts, in shock "As in, Aspheera who destroyed half the city with a lava serpent army,  Aspheera?"

"Yeah! Her." Jay confirms with a smile "Oh, and we also need her staff, which is locked up at Borg Tower. She can't use her powers without it."

"No!" Aria shouts

"What?!" the ninja look shocked

"Guys.." Aria sighs "Look, I miss Nya just as much as all of you, but Aspheera is a dangerous criminal. You all were in the Never realm and we were worried sick. I'm sorry."

"Look, we know Aspheera is dangerous. But we'll be watching her the entire time!" Cole tries to reason "We promised to protect Ninjago."

"Honey, please." Lloyd begs "We need to help Nya. After all she's done for the city, we owe it to her!"

Aria turns to Lloyd "I know it's hard on you, but you're going to be this Empire's Emperor. You can't be reckless. I can't turn my back on the city and let a dangerous criminal out of jail."

"Yeah but-" Lloyd reaches out to Aria when Kaname stands between them

"Her highness has given you her answer." Kaname says firmly "You may be the Empress's fiancé, but until vows are said, their is still a line."

"Forget it, Lloyd." Cole puts his hand on Lloyd's shoulder "Don't bother."

"I'm sorry.." Aria looks down "Really."

"We know." Lloyd responds sympathetically before walking out with the rest of the ninja


"It could be worse." Zero says with a laugh

"Shush" Aria throws a fork at her brother

The two laugh, they were sitting in the dining room alone enjoying their dinner.

"Empress!" Hanabusa rushes into the dining room

"For fucks sake!" Aria looks at him "Can't I have a moment of peace?"

"Sorry," Hanabusa catches his breathe "Some ninja just broke into Kryptarium Prison and freed the Serpentine sorceress Aspheera."

"...fuck" Aria slams her head against the table

"Sissy!" Zero worriedly rushes to her

Aria looks up at him "What?"

"Are you ok?" Zero puts his hand on her forehead

"I'm fine.." Aria sighs "Which Ninja were it?"

"Uh, well, they're in black suits." Hanabusa tells her "They're neither the new or old ninja."

"It's Lloyd and the others." Aria says "It's not a coincidence that Aspheera's being broken out the same night they asked about it."

"What do you want us to do your highness?" Kaname asks, leaning against the door.

"...get them" Aria stares at her plate

"As you wish." Hanabusa and Kaname bow to her

Even later that night, Aria's was sitting in the throne room with a headache. Her crystal ball began to glow and she waved her hand over it.

"Yes, what's the report Kaname?" Aria asks rubbing her head

"You were right, the disguised ninja were actually the old ninja." Kaname replies "The New Ninja attempted to thwart their plans in getting Aspheera's staff, but they failed."

"Never send idiots to do a vampire's job." Aria sighs "Kaname, as much as it pains me they disobeyed my orders. You and your unit go catch them. From this moment, the ninja are officially public enemies number one, two, three, four, and five."

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