Chapter 14: Return Home

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"Mother!" Aria runs and hugs her mother

"Oh my little star look how big you've gotten!" Layla squeals happily "You're so beautiful."

"Oh come on mom, you know I owe my beauty to you" Aria smiles "You are the most beautiful women in the Empire

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"Oh come on mom, you know I owe my beauty to you" Aria smiles "You are the most beautiful women in the Empire."

"That's true." Layla puts her hand on her cheek "My beauty is a burden."

Aria giggles.

"Aria welcome home."

Aria turns to see her step father and step sister.

"Hello Richard" Aria greets "..and.. Harumi."

"I told you to call me father, we're family." The Emperor chuckles

"You've gotten big." Harumi says

"Yes I have." Aria puts on her poor girl acting skills "While you were away I was struck with a illness that could only be resolved by turning me older."

"Oh my, you poor thing." Richard pats her head "All will be alright now, our family is all together now."

Sensei Garmadon save me.

"Much has happened while you were away dear, the Overlord tried to take over the Empire.. twice" Layla tells him

"Twice?" Aria looked confused

"Yes while you were away on your.. trip" Layla chose her words carefully "Garmadon had to flee his monastery with Lloyd, it was quite scarry but in the end the Ninja saved the day. That robot one died though.. their's a statue of him."

"You say that so nonchalantly dear" Richard comments on his wife's lack of sympathy

"Well.. It can't be helped" Layla turns to Aria "Come on honey we have a lot to talk about."

"Mom, don't you want to hear about what I did at the conference." Harumi grabs her step-mother's arm

"Maybe later Harumi." Layla smiles to her before walking away with Aria

Harumi looks down "Yes.."


"What happened to your hair" Layla pouts "I liked it long."

"It'll grow back, an accident happened during my trial and my hair was cut." Aria replies "I still look great with short hair."

"You're absolutely right." Layla hugs her "I'm so proud of you."

"Oh oh oh" Aria takes out her fan "Look what I got!"

"A.. fan?" Layla looked confused "I mean, it's a very nice fan."

Aria stared at her mother before turning the fan into her black katana.

Layla gasped "It's the Shiki."

"Mhm, father's weapon." Aria smiles

"Are you sure it's safe for you to have it?" Layla asks

"Of course" Aria answers "But mom, don't you think it's weird Harumi keeps trying to get your attention?"

"Your sister?" Layla looks up

"She's not my sister." Aria looks annoyed

"Aria, Harumi's my daughter too." Layla hugs her daughter "But you're my favorite, she's only jealous cause i dote on you so much."

"Of course she's jealous, she's adopted." Aria says

The mother and daughter laugh together.

"We're so mean." Layla wipes a tear "I suppose it's our nature though."

"Mom, did something happen between you and dad when he returned?" Aria asks

"Well Richard and I-"

"Not Richard" Aria clarifies

"Oh.. you mean your actual father." Layla looks at her "Well.. we had a talk, he was looking for you but he got me instead.."

"What did you talk about?" Aria asks

"You.. our little pride and joy." Layla holds Aria's face in her hands "Aria, I always taught you that your father was evil and a bad man. I was never completely honest with you, cause in the end, he is the man I love, even if he's dead."

"Then why?" Aria looks confused "He ate me."

"Well, it does seem that way doesn't it." Layla nods "Things don't make sense now, but they will in time.

They were inturrupted by a knock on the door.

"Come in" Layla says as she and Aria sit more like the royals they are.

Clouse walks in and bows "Your majesty, your highness."

"What is it Clouse?" Layla asks

"Their is a letter to the princess." Clouse walks over and hands it to them.

Layla takes it and Clouse watches as the two read it together. It was a letter from Master Chen, a former general of the Overlord during the serpentine wars. It spoke of a tournament he would be hosting along with Clouse, so he would be stealing their royal advisor. The Tournament of Elements would be a spectacle and he invited the princess to watch along side him.

"What is the meaning of this?" Layla asks Clouse

"It's just as the letter speaks your majesty, I am to escort Elementals from all around Ninjago to the tournament." Clouse replies "Master Chen just wants to extend an invitation to the princess, not as a participant, but as a representative of the royal family to oversee the events."

"Are their really other elementals beside the ninja?" Aria asks curiously

"Yes your highness." Clouse smiles

"Mom I wanna go." Aria says to her mother

"Are you sure?" Layla asks confused "You only just returned home."

"Yes of course, it seems exciting." Aria answers then mutters "Anything to get away from those two."

"..alright" Layla agrees hesitantly "You promise to be careful?"

"Yes mom, I'm only watching anyway." Aria nods excitedly

Layla glares at Clouse "Will you be watching her the entire time?"

"Of course, she will remain by Master Chen and I's side during the tournament." Clouse bows and hides a smirk "As a onlooker of course, not a.. participant."

"...alright" Layla sighs "Make sure to behave yourself Aria."

"Yes!" Aria hugs her mother "Thank you mother!"

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