Chapter 7: The Daughter of the Overlord

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"My father... is the Overlord?" Aria questions "The man you taught me was pure evil and represents everything bad in this world... a-and I'm this thing called an Oni."

"I know it's a lot to take in" Layla takes her daughter's hands "The destined final battle between the Green Ninja and your father is closer than I thought. I hid all this to protect you, but I didn't think you would inherit your father's powers. You showed no sign of it, Clouse kept a close eye on your energy level's, it just happened so suddenly. Even Wu didn't believe you would inherit them, I thought you would just be an oni-dragon."

"A what?" Aria looks confused

"An Oni-Dragon, your father's true form is a dragon while I came from the Oni, I thought you would be a combination of both but not get his dark power." Layla explains "Honey I promise, I didn't plan for this."

"I was ten mom!" Aria stands up "Now I'm sixteen, I don't just look different! I feel different!"

"Aria" Layla reaches out to her

Aria backs away "I don't wanna hear it! You lied to me! I hate you!"

"Aria!" Layla looked shocked

Aria ran away crying, Hanabusa quickly ran after her.

"I'm sorry..." Layla sat back down on the couch and sighed "What do I do?"

"She is now at that age your Majesty" Clouse advises "Rebellion is quite common."

"It's my fault, I never should've kept all this from her" Layla covers her face

"An Empress must make tough decisions based on what is good for her Empire." Clouse says, "You did what had to be done, but now that we know she has her father's dark powers we can train her at full capacity."

"No" Layla shakes her head "I won't make her use them."

"Think of what she could do for the Empire if they are harnessed" Clouse encourages.

"No Clouse" Layla glares at him "I won't turn my daughter into a weapon, watch what you say," her eyes glow silver "I am your Empress, she is your Princess."

"I apologize" Clouse bows then mutters mockingly "your Majesty."


"Your highness!"

Aria angrily stomped through the halls of the palace, servants quickly moving out of her way.

"Your highness wait!"

"Stop following me Hanabusa!" Aria shouts turning to him

"Your highness please, we only wanted to protect you" Hanabusa tries to reason "Your father is a bad man, we didn't want you growing up believing-"

"Hanabusa, I appreciate what you're trying to do, but please" Aria growls "leave. me. alone."

Aria turns and continues walking, Hanabusa sighs and bows before walking the other way.

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