Chapter 8: The Day Ninjago Stood Still

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Aria sat outside in her garden reading a book while Hanabusa stood nearby silently. It's been a couple weeks since Aria learned of her father. She couldn't stay mad at her mother forever, the two had made up and haven't spoke of the subject. Layla only feared that if she wasn't careful, the darkness would corrupt her daughter, and she would lose her forever.

Layla's original reason for Aria's betrothal to Lloyd was because she knew he would one day become the green ninja. She had hoped that as long as they were together the darkness would be suppressed. That Lloyd could be the light in Aria's darkness.

As selfish as the reason seemed, the two children became best friends, as Misako and her had. Now the only matter was reuniting the two and hoping they fall in love. Even if the plan didn't work it was a royal betrothal and once, they turned 18 it would be publicly announced, it could not be broken.

"Hanabusa" Aria held her book out to him

Hanabusa took the book "Have you finished reading your highness?"

"Yeah" Aria sighs

The ground starts rumbling and they run inside.

"Mother" Aria looks at Layla "What's going on?"

The two turn to the tv.

Gayle on TV "NGTV reporter Gayle Gossip on the scene of what appears to be an earthquake rocking the city of Ninjago. But it's an earthquake like no other, as scientists have yet to pinpoint the cause. And more frightening still, the aftershocks are getting stronger."

"Oh no" Layla looked worried "It's the sign."

"What sign?" Aria asks

"The sign of the final battle drawing near and.." Layla looks at Aria "Your father's army."

Aria looked confused "His wha-"

"Your Majesty!" Clouse burst through the doors "You must escape, there are stone warriors at our doors."

"They are coming after us." Layla says, "They want you, Aria."

"Me!" Aria shouts "Why me?!"

"They sense your dark powers, you must go!" Layla grabs Aria's hand and pulls her down the hall.

Layla and Aria run to the lower levels where there were stone warriors already fighting the guards. Layla runs into a room and pushes a bookcase over revealing a hidden passage.

"It leads into the city, quickly go" Layla instructs

"What about you?" Aria asks

"This is my home Aria, this is my Empire, I won't abandon it." Layla kisses her daughter's forehead "I love you, find Wu, he will protect you."

"Wu hasn't seen me for years, and I'm older." Aria explains frantically "I can't just leave-"

"You can and you will" Layla pushes her into the passage

"Mother!" Aria turns to her

Layla pushes the bookshelf back in front of the opening trapping Aria inside. Layla turns and faces the stone warriors in front of her.

"Now I might be pushing my 2000s" Layla smirks and her eyes glow silver "But you're messing with the wrong women." A cloud of black smoke covers the area.


Aria opens a manhole and climbs out onto the streets of Ninjago. Cars were tipped over, buildings were cracked, there was fire, the city was a mess.

"What do I do?" Aria stands up and looks around at the warriors destroying the city

Soon they started facing her and coming closer.

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