Chapter 26: Kai and the Princess

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Inside a dark chamber with a lamp in the middle, the Ninja clash with several hostile Skulkin. Jay whips out nunchucks, fighting the skeleton who is dodging his attacks. Jay knocks the skeleton away and four more skeletons drop from the ceiling.

"Ninja, go!" Kai shouts

Kai does Spinjitzu, defeating the skeletons. A skeleton is knocked down a ramp, under it is Zane stretching his arms. Skeletons sprint down the hall and Cole ghostly emerges from the wall so the skeletons run back only to find a punch from Zane crashing through a barrier of ice.

Kai and Jay come sliding down the ramp with excitement and all four ninja line up together facing the screen. Cole comes forward and pounds the floor tripping the skeletons into the wall. The ninja go into fighting stances. Samukai crashes through the wall and charges at them. A green light appears and the Green Ninja emerges. He lands and punches Samukai with green Energy.

"Do you have the golden scroll, Lloyd?" Kai asks

"I sure do, Kai! But I don't know what is says. Can anyone help me read it?" Lloyd questions

"We can! Because reading is the first step to every adventure. Go, reading, go!" All the ninja shout

"And... Cut! Brilliance plus perfection! Clean up, little fellas and make some headway here. That's a wrap!" Dareth says

Revealing the place to be a set and the Skulkin to be actors in costumes. Nya, arriving, is left confused on the sudden end of the movie.

"A wrap? I just got here. Dareth said—"

Dareth cut her off "Hey, hey! There's my boys! I knew you could Spinjitzu but that acting knocked me out" he then noticed Nya "Oh, hey, sweetheart. Mind sticking around for a segment to teach girls how to apply makeup?"

Nya looked to the back corner, angered "You're gonna need makeup when I rearrange your face!" She walks over to punch Dareth but Jay holds her back.

The ninja hear laughing and look over to see Aria.

"Princess!" the ninja look surprised

"This is a surprise." Lloyd says outloud "It's been awhile."

"It has." Aria smiles "Hello ninja."

"Finally ungrounded?" Cole asks

"I was never grounded dear cousin," Aria smirks as she walks past him "Mother said it was her fault for telling me I could do whatever I wanted, she didn't explain well."

"What are you doing here anyway?" Cole asks

"Aria!" Kai calls out as he walks away from Dareth "Hey, right on time."

"Did you just finish?" Aria asks

"Yeah, all set and ready to go." Kai smiles

"Wait wait wait." Lloyd steps in "You're here.. for Kai?"

"Yes, we're going to go watch a movie." Aria smiles

"I told you guys I've been meeting up with her." Kai says

"When?" Lloyd asks

"Like, at least 3 times a week." Kai replies "None of you listen to me, unlike her highness who listens to everything I say."

"Princess, are you ok?" Jay asks "Do you need help? Are you being held against your will?"

"Jay!" Kai says annoyed

Aria giggles "No, I simply enjoy his company."

"Anyway Dareth, Nya is one of us now, there's no reason she should be treated differently." Jay says turning to Dareth

"You added a girl to the group. You know how much that hurts your image? You're a boy band, a hunk machine! " Dareth replies

"Our power comes from no one being more important than the other" Lloyd says

"Important? No. Irresistible... uh, debatable" Kai says then winks at fangirls in the doorway

Girls scream and try to run to him, but guards stop them. Aria blushes and looks away, which Lloyd notices and becomes slightly annoyed.

"I don't tell you how to do your business, don't tell me how to do mine. Remember how every time you save no one cared? Well now Dareth's in charge and Dareth says don't change the recipe. You boys are the face of the franchise, and now the face of teen idol!" Dareth whips out a magazine

The magazine has a big image of Lloyd on it, in the corner has Jay and Cole on each side of a heart with Nya in it.

 Lloyd takes the magazine and reads the title "Sensei Lloyd" Lloyd looks confused "but I'm only a Sensei-in-training"

"And what's this about me and Jay still fighting over Nya? That's old news." Cole says

"Who cares if it's real or not? Isn't this what you've always dreamed of? You're the hottest thing in Ninjago!" Dareth argues happily

"Kai," Aria pulls on his shirt "Let's go, we're gonna be late."

"Oh yeah." Kai waves to the group "See ya."

Kai and Aria head to the movies where the whole place was rented out. The royal guards stood all around the place as Aria and Kai sat in their seats.

"The royal family certainly gives overprotective a new meaning." Kai jokes

"You have no idea big brother." Aria replies digging into her popcorn

"Don't call me that, it makes me feel old." Kai says annoyed

"Big brother makes you feel old?" Aria laughs "but I've always wanted a big brother."

"Yeah and now you got one." Kai ruffles her hair "just don't call me big brother around the guys, they'll make a big deal out of it."

"What, cause I'm the princess?" Aria asks

"And you just tried to overthrow the empire." Kai adds looking over at her

"You try to overthrow the monarchy once and you're branded for life." Aria jokes

"You bet." Kai dumps his popcorn over her head

"Ah! You meanie." Aria dumps hers ontop of his head and laughs "now we're siblings."

"Pft" Kai laughs "yeah that's basically how it works in the monastery."

"Are you sure it was ok to ditch the ninja to hang out with me?" Aria asks

"What could be more important then spending time with my honorary little sister?" Kai questions "Besides I hang with them plenty, but why don't you hang with your older sister? You do have one don't you?"

"She's not my sister." Aria says annoyedly "She's adopted."

"She's still your family princess." Kai scolds

"She stole my crown." Aria replies annoyed "I'm my mother's biological child, I'm the legitimate heir to the throne."

"Yeah but like I told you before, throwing a fit to get your mother's attention isn't going to work." Kai says "To be honest usually I'm the superstitious one who can't trust bad guys, but for some reason I don't get the whole evil vibe from you."

"Cause I'm not." Aria sighs "It was a poor judgement on my part to join Morro, I'm sorry."

"Don't sweat it kid." Kai pats her head "Lloyd wasn't always the perfect green ninja you know, he was a trouble maker before he became good. The son of the evil Lord Garmadon, became Ninjago's savior.. and I don't think you have any less potential then him."

"But the Overlord's daughter can't be Empress.." Aria looks down

"Who says?" Kai asks "Like you said you've prepared your whole life to become Empress, you're graceful and kind. Don't try to become your father because of a little set back."

"The citizen's won't have it." Aria says "It's hopeless."

"It's only hopeless if you give up." Kai smiles to her "How about this, as your honorary ninja big brother, I'll personally help you achieve your dream." He holds his hand out "Ok? Empress Aria?"

Aria smiles big and takes his hand "Yes!" She hugs him "Your the best Kai!"

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