Chapter 6: The Beginning of it All

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Layla is the first Oni born in light, instead of darkness. She is betrothed to Svern Lord, aka the Overlord. But the first spinjitsu master was in love with her, therefore he and Svern fought often. When time came for Layla to get married, she ran away to a new realm to escape marrying him. The First Spinjitzu master created Ninjago as a form of his love for Layla.

Svern, learning that his bride had ran away to a realm created by the First Spinjitzu Master he follows them there with some other Oni in attempt to bring back his bride. They fight and the other Oni are defeated or like Mystake change and decide to stay. So the war between the Overlord and the First Spinjitzu Master began. They fought countless battles before an agreement was made, Layla would become his bride and he would stop hurting the people of Ninjago.

The world was split, the light of Ninjago was under the rule of the First Spinjitzu Master while the Overlord and Layla lived on the Island of Darkness where they would stay forever. Time passed and lonely as he was, the First Spinjitzu Master settled down and had 2 sons. Meanwhile whether it was actually love or Stockholm syndrome settling in, Layla and the Overlord had a child of their own, but unfortunately, he caught a fever as a baby and died.

A child could not survive on the Island of Darkness, and with the loss of her child Layla fell more into despair with each passing day. No matter what, the Overlord could not cheer up his wife. Svern made the heartbreaking decision to send his wife back to the light side. Cause he knew that light could not survive in darkness.

In Ninjago Layla became loved by the people and was adopted by a kind couple who had a son seemingly older then the proclaimed 16-year-old Layla. known throughout for her beauty. One day the first Spinjitzu Master named Layla Empress of Ninjago and disappeared from the world, trusting his unrequited love with the city and his successor with his realm. 

Time passes and Layla decides to visit her husband back at the island, their short meeting was one last time of passion before Layla left him forever. Months later it was known throughout the kingdom that Empress Layla, was with child. 9 months later, a beautiful princess was born, and she was named Aria. 

During her previous time in Ninjago, Layla had befriended a girl named Misako who happened to also given birth, but to a Son named Lloyd. The two brought the children together on their second birthday, in hopes they would become friends, and they did. Thus, they we're betrothed and the events leading to this moment took place.

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