Chapter 81: Brave But Foolish

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In Ninjago City, the citizens run from the Vengestone Guards as Aria's army guides them to safety along with the Ninja. Aria sat in Zero's room with her head in her hands.

"He looks so peaceful."

Aria's eyes widen as she quickly turns away to see Layla.

"You're not happy to see your mother?" Layla questions "But honey, you were the one that ran away from me."

"That was the point." Aria growls

Layla walks towards them and Aria stands in front of Zero's unconscious body protectively.

"Zero isn't who your father wants." Layla stops walking "It's you."

"Why does he want me so badly!?" Aria asks angrily "He has his infinite power!"

"He has the power of the crystal king." Layla responds "You have the power, of the dark lord. Something that belongs to him."

"I never wanted it!" Aria argues "I never asked to be the daughter of the Overlord!"

"But that's who you are." Layla says "You have all the power, but you do nothing with it." Aria's eyes widen as Layla continues "That's what makes you different. We want to use it, we want this world, he wants this world."

"You're right," Aria looks down "I don't use it." she looks up at her mother "But I will use it for the right reason!"

Aria rushes forward as her mother sighs.

"You're under trained." Layla covers her arm in darkness and thrusts it through Aria's stomach

"Agh!" Aria coughs up blood

"Both my children," Layla's eyes glow pink "ended up as disappointments.."

"You don't mean that mother," Aria says weakly before smiling "you've always, loved me."

Aria looks at the pink glowing crystal in her hand, she focuses all her energy on it and it shatters. Aria falls to the ground as Layla's eyes turn back green.

Layla groans as she looks around "my head.." she sees Aria on the ground "Aria!"

Layla cries as she picks up Aria.

"Aria!" Layla puts her hand over her stomach attempting to heal it "No! Baby what happened?! Aria!"

Aria smiles as she closes her eyes.

"Aria.." Layla hiccups as she begins to cry "Don't die on me!"

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