Chapter 29: The Hands of Time

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"You're not paying attention" Svern flicks Aria's forehead

Aria puts her hand on her forehead "Ow, yes i was."

"No you weren't" Svern sighs "What's on your mind?"

"Nothing." Aria shakes her head

Svern flicks Aria's forehead

Aria puts her hand on her forehead "Ow, yes i-"

"What?" Svern looks around

"What's wrong dad?" Aria asks

"I-" Svern stands up

Aria tilts her head and the two were suddenly by the window.

"What the-"

"I knew something was weird." Svern says "Time is jumping."

"What do you mean time is jumping?" Aria asks

"Come." Svern leaves the manor

Aria quickly follows after him. The two of them rush through town making their way to the other end of the forest.

"Hey, where are we going?" Aria asks

"the temple of time." Svern replies

"What's that?" Aria asks

"It's where the essences of time are kept." Svern replies "It was forty years ago, shortly after the Serpentine Wars. As you know, the elemental masters fought valiantly, but the enemies were strong, and their powers alone were not enough. It was the discovery of the magic flutes that allowed them to finally defeat the Anacondrai. Their leaders were banished. And peace was returned to Ninjago."

"Yeah I know that story, but what does this have to do with time?" Aria asks

"The elemental master's consisted of Smoke, Metal, Lightning, Shadow, Fire, Water, and Time." Svern replies "Time is an element that could be controlled, your mother had a hand in this."

"Oh, it's that story!" Aria smiles "Mother told me stories when i was a child, Acronix was an Elemental Master of Time, like his brother, Krux. The so-called Hands of Time felt they controlled the most powerful Element, therefore entitling them to rule all of Ninjago. Mother originally helped them create the essence of time."

"Yes, the essence of time could unite to create the ultimate time weapon, but they currently reside in the temple of time." Svern explains "The elemental master's used what's now known as the time blades to strip the time brothers of their powers."

"Mhm.. so why do we need to check on them?" Aria asks

"To make sure they're not stolen." Svern replies " you know what happens if the essence of time disappears?"

"Nope." Aria looks at him "What happens?"

"Well.." Svern looks away "We just don't want it to happen."

"What?" Aria looks confused "Tell me."

"No." Svern continues walking "You turn back, we need to find the time blades before they do."

"So divide and conquer?" Aria asks

"Yes." Svern pats her head "Be safe."

"I will." Aria smiles before running off


"It makes no sense, why can't i come in?" Aria asks

"I'm sorry Princess, you scare everyone." The museum guard looks worried "Not me of course, but others.."

"She's the princess, show some respect." Kai walks up the stairs.

Aria turns to him "Kai?"

"Look I'll keep an eye on her." Kai says to the guard "No trouble, promise."

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