Chapter 35: The Oni and the Dragon

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The Ninja land the Bounty in Hollow's Bluff.

"Is this where we'll be living?" Harumi asks

"Just until we know you're safe" Lloyd replies

"Don't you have a headquarters?" Harumi questions

"It's too in-the-open. The Sons of Garmadon will be looking for you. We'll need to keep moving" Lloyd tells her before turning to Aria "So.." he looks at Zero "Who's this?"

"I'm Zero, Aria's big brother." Zero replies

"..I don't remember Aria having an older brother." Lloyd says suspiciously

"I was away for a long time." Zero leans over him

Lloyd stares at their slight height difference "I don't like you."

"Same here." Zero replies with a smile

"Lloyd, what will we do about the last Oni mask." Aria pushes Zero aside "The Sons of Garmadon are unknown enemies and are looking for it."

"I wonder if it's someone from our past" Jay says

Harumi soon finds a pair of underwear on the console "Uh, forgive me, but is that...underwear?"

Jay takes it and chuckles "We're usually more organized. Ahem. But our leader got lost in a time-stream. Uh, they're Cole's"

"They're blue!" Cole shouts

"You're lucky they're not yellow" Aria and Kai say, they look at each other and high-fived

"What about the suspect captured at the heist in Borg Tower? I can stay behind with Harumi if you wanna press him on who he works for" Nya suggests

"The police have him in custody, but he has refused to talk. He is set for release today" Aria informed them

"Then if Johnny Law can't get him to talk, perhaps Johnny Ninja can" Kai says

"I suggest going to Mistake's" Aria chimes in "Something to loosen his lips."

"Good idea." Lloyd agrees

"Zero, stay here with Nya." Aria tells him

"What about your protection?" Zero asks worried

"I will be with the ninja," Aria replies "I will be fine."

The Ninja walk to Mistaké's tea shop.

"Is Mistaké here?"

Mistaké was facing away from them "Never heard of her!" She turned around "Ooh! Apologies, young Lloyd Garmadon. I didn't recognize your voice. Oh, it's so good to see you again. It's been years"

"Hello, Mistaké" Lloyd greets

"I'm sorry to hear about Master Wu. He was a dear friend" Mistake says

Cole furrowed his eyebrows "Was? We haven't given up on him. We just have more urgent problems"

"We seek—"

"The Tea of Truth!" Mistake predicted

"she's good" Aria says

"Greetings to you too young lord." Mistake bows

"The pleasure is mine Mistake." Aria smiles

The ninja look at each other confused. As Mistake returns, Lloyd notices a painting.

"Hm? Ah, yes. The Oni and the Dragon. But you are not ready for that tale" Mistake says

Lloyd shook his head "Please. We need to know"

"It is a long tale. Do you have the time?" Mistake asks

Lloyd thought for a moment "Cole and Zane, go to the police with the Tea of Truth and find out who's giving the orders. Jay and I will stay here to learn more."

Cole and Zane run past her with the tea.

"Come, my childs. To know the tale, you must drink the tea" Mistake tells them

Mistake gives Aria, Lloyd, and Jay some tea

"drink up" Mistake says

"Aah!" Jay smiles "Thank you for the tea. You were right, it really calmed my nerves. I feel so.." he drinks more "..warm and fuzzy"

"Good. Then the Tea of Enlightenment is working" Mistake says "and it'll help you see the tale, the original tale, The Tale of the Oni and the Dragon"

"What are we supposed to see?" Lloyd asks

Mistake starts the tale "See...the beginning. Long before time had a name, there was the Realm of the Oni and the Dragon"

"One of the sixteen realms?" Lloyd questions

"It wasn't just one of them Lloyd, it was the first" Aria tells him "ever in existence"

Mistake continues "The Dragon had the power to create. The Oni had the power to destroy. Their war was never ending. But a child arrived, born of both worlds. The child understood the power of both. Without one, you could not have the other. But when the Oni and the Dragon fought over which side the child should choose, the child abandoned their world to start a new one called Ninjago"

"Are you telling me the child born from both worlds is the First Spinjitzu Master?" Lloyd asks

"Hey, hey! You're related" Jay gasps "That means you're part Oni and Dragon too!"

"Like I said, truth can be dangerous" Mistake says "After the First Spinjitzu Master created Ninjago, he fathered two sons of his own. He thought he could escape the war. He saw the evil of the Oni was waiting to be unleashed in one of his sons, Lord Garmadon! It was up to Master Wu to control his brother's undying thirst to destroy, and with some help—"

"Hey! Haha! That's us!" Jay laughs

"Lord Garmadon was destroyed by the most powerful force of all: the love of his own son. But in his absence, a void was created. A new darkness has arisen" Mistake continues

"The Sons of Garmadon" Lloyd says

"The three Oni Masks are relics from the first realm, and they wield tremendous power. The power to deceive. The power of vengeance. The power to hate" Mistake recites

"What happens when they're united? Lloyd asks

"You cannot let that happen" Mistake replies

"Tell me...what happens when the three masks are united?" Lloyd repeats

"They will have the power to resurrect your father" Aria tells him "but it will not be the recent one, it will be Lord Garmadon, the one with the presence of my father's powers, a dark carnation"

"I can't let that happen" Lloyd stands up

"Can two dark lords exists?" Aria questions

"In theory, no." Mistake answers "Their was another child born of both worlds, who grew up with the other. Unlike the first spinjitsu master, he fell in love with an Oni girl. He stayed in his own world, and chose the Oni over the dragons"

"The Overlord" Lloyd says

"Yes" Mistake nods "after learning of the new realm, the Oni set out to conquer it, with the Overlord leading the charge, leaving his wife behind."

"But my mother is here in Ninjago, did she follow him?" Aria asks

"Indeed she did." Mistake's face turns sad "But it will be that strong love, that will lead to her undoing."

"I need to find my mother." Aria quickly stands up and rushes out

Lloyd goes to follow her "Aria!"

"What?" Aria stops and looks at him

"I know it's a hard time for you, but we don't know if she's alive." Lloyd says "Be reasonable, we have other things to worry about."

"Lloyd, I love and respect you, but she is my mother." Aria turns and walks out

Lloyd sighs "I know."

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