Chapter 41: Big Trouble Little Ninjago

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Lloyd is taken to the tea shop by the Ninja as Aria and Zero head to the apartment where baby Wu is.

"What exactly is this plan of yours?" Zero questions

"I never said I had one." Aria replies staring up at the building

"This is suicide.." Zero says

"If i don't have the power to stop him here, then Ninjago is doomed." Aria looks at him "Thanks for being here, big brother."

"I've already lost mother, I can't loose you too." Zero grabs her hand "Are you sure about this?"

"Two Dark Lord's can't exist, instead of running and hiding it's better that I go to him." Aria smiles "So the ninja can live to fight another day."

"Be careful." Zero says

Aria kisses his cheek before running inside the building. Zero sighs and heads to find the ninja.

"Come on. We have to go" Misako and Wu leave the apartment and Wu screams when they see Garmadon "What has happened to you?"

Garmadon attacks but Aria appears and kicks Garmadon in the gut before kicking him into the wall.

"Aria!" Little Wu shouts happily

"Aria" Misako says "what in the world are you doing here?"

"Getting you two out of here." Aria replies

"You're the one who shouldn't be here Princess!" Lloyd runs into the hall "It's too dangerous!"

"I accepted what might be my fate." Aria says "It's you who must now accept yours."

"What?" Lloyd looks confused

"Take Wu and get out of here" Aria tells them "Garmadon's too dangerous for you"

"I can help hold him back" Misako hands Wu to Lloyd

"You sure you're up for this?" Aria asks

"I was married to him once. I'm up for anything." Misako replies

"Their's no way I'll let you two do this." Lloyd argues

"Ninja must live to fight another day." Aria tells him before pushing him down the hall

The two girls fight Garmadon as Lloyd runs away with Wu. Garmadon kicked Misako into the wall and Aria blasted him with dark energy.

"You're foolish to come here yourself." Garmadon says "It saves me the trouble of tracking you down myself."

Misako! Get out of here!" Aria shouts

"Are you sure?" Misako asks worried

"Go now!" Aria shouts as Garmadon gets up

Misako reluctantly ran away. Once she was out of sight Aria flipped Garmadon onto his back.

"Alright Garmadon, now it's just you and me, Dark Lord and Dark Lord" Aria says

"hehehe" Garmadon laughs "you still have a lot to learn young pupil"

"You.. are not my sensei" Aria glares at him

The two continue to fight until they eventually made it up to the roof. Aria's eyes glow purple and she kicks Garmadon in the chest. He sends a blast of dark energy at her which she dodges. Behind her the Bounty was crushed along with the ninja, but she didn't have to time to feel sad over her cousin's death.

Harumi arrived on the building and stabbed Aria in the arm, she let go of Garmadon and knocked them both on the ground. She pulled the knife out of her arm and threw it at Harumi. Garmadon grabbed her and threw her over his shoulder. She landed near the edge and quickly got up.

"Two on one, now that's not a fair fight." Aria pants

"All is fair in love and war little sister." Harumi replies

As Aria fought more with Garmadon, Harumi took advantage of her being distracted. Lloyd, Misako, and Nya watched Harumi pick up a knife.

"ARIA" Lloyd screamed

Aria turned around and knocked the knife out of her hands before throwing Harumi over her shoulder who knocked right into Garmadon.

"Aria don't fight!" Lloyd shouts from the boat "Jump down!"

Aria looks down at him "Lloyd, you were the best thing to happen to me and Ninjago!"

Aria turned around just as Harumi stabbed the knife into her heart.

"NO" Lloyd screamed

Aria just stood there, Harumi looked scared as Aria pulled the knife out and laughed "did you really think that'd kill me, I'm not like other mortals"

"You are a monster!" Harumi says

"Yeah I'm a monster, but what does that make you then?" Aria laughs as her eyes turn pink

Garmadon shot a beam at Aria who absorbed it

"she's a dragon!" Garmadon shouts "her heart is on her right not her left!"

"If I'm going down, I'm bringing you two with me!" Aria slams down on the building causing it to crack

"Aria don't!" Lloyd tries to run off the boat but Misako grabs him "Mom let me go!"

"She knows what she's doing Lloyd," Misako's voice wavered "She was well prepared for this."

The two started aiming for her real heart now. She kept dodging, the speed Harumi could threw knifes was fast, it was hard to counter attack. Aria dodged another energy blast from Garmadon as a blade went in her leg. Aria shouted in pain and fell to her knees panting.

"You grow weaker young Lord, with each second." Garmadon laughs "That feeling your feeling, it's fear."

Harumi grabs her and makes her face Garmadon as he walked closer to her.

"I will never be afraid of you." Aria pants "As long as the ninja are still alive, they will keep fighting you, the feeling is hope."

"Their hope, will die with you." Garmadon says as he places his hand above her correct heart.

Misako and Nya hold onto Lloyd as he tries to break free and save her.

Aria looks up at him "Kill me then, let's see how long your victory lasts."

"With pleasure." Garmadon smirks

Misako covers Lloyd's eyes as Garmadon delivers the final blow. Zero stands in an ally with the knights watching their princess.

"Your highness.." Hanabusa looks at Zero as tears go down his face "Her highness is.. what do we do now?"

"Exactly as my sister ordered.." Zero turns and walks away "We bring her back."

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