Chapter 37: The Quiet One

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Lloyd and Harumi are stranded in Primeval's Eye looking for the third Oni Mask. Lloyd and Harumi run in the jungle and she trips.

Lloyd helps her up "Come on" They drop into a hole to hide from a Grundle "Phew"

"Are you okay?" Harumi asks

"Yeah. Just need a second" Lloyd replies

"Let me see" Harumi fixes his arm sling "How's that?

"Oh, um. Good. Very close. I-I-I mean, snuggly. I mean, snug" Lloyd says

"Are you sure we're heading the right way?'" Harumi asks

"Pretty sure. If this map is right, there's a river that runs through Primeval's Eye that way. And the river leads straight to the hidden Oni Temple that holds the third mask" Lloyd replies

"Uh, I don't know, Lloyd. Maybe it would be smarter to turn back and try to find the others. I mean, your arm is still pretty bad and we're all alone out here" Harumi suggests

"I'm doing okay. And, anyway, we can't take the chance. If the Sons of Garmadon get to the mask first, they'll have all three" Lloyd says

"Okay, but I want you to rest that arm for a while and let me take a turn" Harumi insists

Harumi and Lloyd continue to trek the jungle.

"Stuck in a palace all your life, did you ever imagine you'd be in a place like this?" Lloyd asks

"Hacking my way through Primeval's Eye? Not so much. But to be perfectly honest, I always dreamed being with you" Harumi replies

"So, according to this, we're almost to the Black River. We just have to get past this part that reads Strangler's Path." Lloyd says

"Did you say Strangler's Path? That's cheery. Why is it called that?" Harumi questions

Lloyd cut another vine "Places like these always have colorful names. Half the time, it doesn't mean anything. The Caves of Despair, Blind Man's Eye, Hiroshi's Labyrinth. Probably just some bored mapmaker with a wild—"

Something grabs Lloyd

"Lloyd!" Harumi shouts

A knife cam from nowhere and cut the vine ahold of Lloyd. Someone grabbed him and pulled him off the ground and away from it.

He looked up only to see Harumi "how did you-"

"I-I don't know. You were gonna be eaten. I-I got lucky, I guess" Harumi replies

Lloyd looked shocked "Luck? You were clear over here—"

Harumi kisses him "Should I not have done that?"

"No you shouldn't have" he sighs "I guess now we know why they call it Strangler's Path"

"How's your arm?" Harumi asks

"It feels all right now" Lloyd replies


Lloyd and Harumi narrowly survive falling off a waterfall. Lloyd and Harumi swam to shore.

"Rumi, we made it" Lloyd said

Harumi sighed "Yeah, barely"

"No. I mean, we made it to the temple. Look." Lloyd points to the temple behind the waterfalls.


"I hate, these jungles." Aria cuts another vine

"Maybe if you didn't jump from the Bounty we would know where we are." Zero suggests

"You did jump after me." Aria points out

"What kind of big brother would I be if I didn't?" Zero questions

"Not a reckless one like me." Aria says

"I got word from the guards," Zero moves a branch "Father's missing."

"Richard's dead." Aria ducks under the branch

"Not that one." Zero follows after her

"Father?" Aria turns to him "Overlord, father?"

"Yeah" Zero continues in front of her "Found his place abandoned."

"Perhaps he and mother ran off." Aria suggests

"It's not unlikely, wouldn't be the first time they abandoned their family for each other." Zero says

"It's a good thing we have each other then." Aria sighs

Zero and Aria come to a clearing where the temple stood.

"The Oni temple." Zero says "we've arrived."

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