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"Stop following me!"

"Like I want to follow around a brat like you!"

Lloyd opened the door to his son's room where his son, Ren, stood arguing with Kai.

"Uh, you guys good?" Lloyd asks

"Dad!" Ren runs over to him "Tell Kai to stop following me around, I'm 10 years old, I don't need to be babysat!"

"Your not being babysat, he's your guard." Lloyd tells him

"Len gets to train with you, Zane and Jay, why can't I?!" Ren crosses his arms

"Your twin brother has elemental powers, you don't." Lloyd ruffles his hair "Your mother doesn't want you getting hurt."

"Ugh, when does mom come back?" Ren asks

"She should be coming back with Cole today," Lloyd replies "Shintaro isn't exactly a block away."

"She should've took me with her," Ren pouts "Len gets to train, mom gets to go out doing her job, and you get to travel around beating the bad guys. I just have to sit around the castle with Kai."

"Yeah, I'm not exactly happy with this arrangement either." Kai agrees "I want to see my kids too. They awakened their elemental powers and I was excited to train them."

"Guys I know," Lloyd says "we'll sort this all out when Aria gets home. She's the Empress of Ninjago, she's got a job to do."

"Yeah, and the Emperor is the Green ninja." Ren rolls his eyes "Who can't even teach his son something amazing."

Lloyd sighs "Ren-"

The door opens, Hanabusa enters with a smile.

"We're back!" Hanabusa shouts exited

"Hanabusa!" Ren runs over and hugs him

"And my own son seems more excited to see Hanabusa than me." Lloyd sulks

"He's more like you at the age of 10 than Aria." Kai snickers

"Yeah but he likes his mother more then me." Lloyd looks at him

"She does spoil them a lot." Kai chuckles

Hanabusa takes Ren down to see his mother, Kai and Lloyd follow after. In the main hall Aria stood talking with Cole when they all entered.

"Mom!" Ren ran over to her

"Ren!" Aria happily bent down and picked him up "How is my little prince?"

"Mom, dad won't let me train with Len." Ren complains

"Hm, wanna go see him?" Aria questions

"Yeah!" Ren agrees happily

Lloyd walks over to the two "Welcome back dear."

"Hi honey." Aria kisses him on the cheek

"How was your trip?" Lloyd asks before placing a kiss on her head

"It was fun, Queen Vanya had a lot of ideas to contribute to the expansion project." Aria replies as she places Ren down on his feet

The group walks to the palace training grounds where Len was creating ice pillars at Zane's instruction.

"Woo" Aria cheers "go son!"

Len wipes the sweat off his forehead before looking over at his family.

"Mom!" Len runs over "You're back!"

"Yep, sure am." Aria pats his head "it looks like your making good progress."

"All thanks to dad and my teachers!" Len replies proudly

"Great, very happy for you." Ren says to him before turning to his mother "Hey mom, you should take me next time, I wanna see Shintaro."

"Me too!" Len agrees

"Hm," Aria thinks

"No way, Len you get to train and do cool things with dad!" Ren shouts at his brother

"But I wanna spend time with mom too!" Len argues

"I don't complain about you spending time with dad!" Ren growls

"Boys, behave," Aria says

"Yes mom" they turn to her

"..." Lloyd looks at the ninja with an annoyed look

"Pft," Jay holds in a laugh "looks like they're a couple of mommy's boys."

"I hope your guy's kids aren't like this." Lloyd says

"They're not." The ninja all replies

"Great," Lloyd throws his hands up "just me."

Aria giggles before kissing Lloyd on the cheek "it's a good thing you married me then, I'll give you all the time you want."

"Really?" Lloyd wraps his arms around her waist "You better hold your word to that dear."

"Ew" Ren looks away

"Don't flirt in front of us!" Len complains

Aria and Lloyd laugh.

"Mommy you should spend time with me, not dad." Ren grabs her dress

Aria looks down at his puppy eyes "Aw, did my little boy miss me that much."

"Hey!" Lloyd complains "Not fair!"

Ren sticks his tongue out at Lloyd.

"Why you little-"

"Lloyd," Aria gives him a look

Lloyd turns to the ninja "See what I have to deal with!"

The ninja all laugh at the family.

"Don't worry Lloyd," Aria smiles to him "you have me forever. We have all the time I'm the world."

"Good," Lloyd smiles "cause I wouldn't have it any other way."

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