Chapter 43: Iron and Stone

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"where are we going?" Aria asks

"The past" It replies

"Past?" Aria asks

"You'll see" It says

They came across a lake

"their's a lake in the middle of darkness..." Aria says "yeah, ok, it doesn't make sense."

"It doesn't have to make sense" It replies

Aria looked at her "but-"

"Just go" It pushes her in


The Resistance drives up to the Garbage Depot.

"What is this place?" Lloyd asks

"I call it, the rest of the Resistance" Skylor replies

They all get out of the truck.

Tox looks at Dareth "Just what are you supposed to be?"

"I'm Dareth, master of, uh...uh, Brown" he replies

"Brown?" Tox questions

"You'll witness my power" Dareth replies

Skylor groans.

"So, you Elemental Masters call this dump your home?" Dareth questions

"Nu-uh. Not dump. Depot" Karlof replies

"We've found it to be a perfect cover. It allows us to go wherever we want in the city while keeping an eye on things" Skylor explains

Lloyd smiles "Thank you, Skylor. You saved us, but—But how did you know where to find us? How did you know we were in trouble?"

"A little birdie told me" Skylor replies

Mistaké reveals herself "Hello again, young Garmadon"

"Mistaké?" Misako questions

"What are you doing here?" Nya asks

"I'm sure you have many questions about where your friends are. And I have answers" Mistaké replies

"What about Aria?" Lloyd asks "Do you have an answer for that?"

"Of course I do." Mistake smiles "She lives, young Garmadon."

Lloyd's eyes fill with tears he's been holding back "That's great."

Misako hugs him.


"I will not kill my child!" Layla shouts

"It won't kill him!" Svern argues "I only wish to transfer his power to me."

"Your plans may be great, but my son is bigger then your plans." Layla crosses her arms

"You're choosing that child over me!" Svern shouts

Layla shoves him "I won't loose him! Get out, I never want to see you near Zero again."

"He's my son as much as he is yours." Svern looks at her

"You don't care about him, he isn't your everything." Layla turns around

Svern places a hand on her shoulder "It was a bad suggestion my love, you know my family is more precious then Ninjago."

"My child," Layla takes his hand and glares at him "Isn't your pawn."

"Of course my dear." Svern kisses her hand "You know I'm a slave to you, whatever you wish."

Layla walks out of the room.

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