Best Friend's Sister

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A/N: Emma x Reader

Summary: Y/n is best friend's with Isabel and when Emma is home for the holidays, a lot of memories appear and a lot of unfinished business is finally wrapped up.



Emma's POV:

My mom unlocks the door and opens it, letting me go first. I step inside, immediately feeling at home and happy. I set my bags down as I see my younger sister, Olivia, coming down the stairs. I smile widely, seeing her rush downstairs.

"Emma!" She exclaims excitedly, wrapping me in a tight hug, I hug her back, missing my sister.

"Hey, Liv." I greet her, rubbing her back and feeling her pull away, I cup her face. "Look at you, you've grown since I last saw you. Stop that." I tell her, squishing her cheeks as she groans and tries to remove her head from my grip, I release her cheeks and chuckle softly.

"I hate when you do that." Olivia complains, groaning and walking into the kitchen. I smile and see my mom and dad come in, locking the door behind me. I peak my head into the living room to see my youngest sister, Isabel. I sneak up behind her before giving her a fright, her jumping.

"Jesus, Em, you scared me." Isabel complains, resting her hand over her heart. I laugh softly and wrap my arms around her and hug her. Her hands resting on my forearm, her thumbs stroking my forearms. "I missed you!" She confesses, smiling widely. I kiss her head and smile softly.

"I missed you too." I confess to her, seeing Isabel smile and when I remove my arms from around her, she stands up and hugs me, I laugh, stumbling back and her legs drag off of the couch. She pulls away and I look to see Y/n— shit, Y/n. I notice her adjust in her seat and turn to me, standing up.

"Emma." Y/n softly says my name, I feel my shoulders fall as I notice Isabel pull away and glance between us. Isabel looks over at me, smiling awkwardly as she looks at me. I glance at her, wishing that she told me Y/n was here.

"I—I'm gonna go to the bathroom." Isabel announces, glancing between me and Y/n. She leaves the room and I glance back to see my parents immediately walk away, heading into the kitchen. I look over at Y/n and see her eyes soften.

"Hey, Em..." She greets me, moving around the couch and stopping a few feet in front of me. "You home for the holidays?" She asks me, I nod my head lightly.

"Yeah." I answer, nodding my head. Fiddling with my ring as I look down at the floor before looking back at her. "Are your parents away again?" I ask, her parents always seem to leave her alone in the house around this time of the year and I always feel so sorry for her.

"Yeah, uh..." She itches her forearm and offers a short smile, "They left before school finished so, your—your mom is letting me stay here for the holidays." She informs me, I immediately feel my heart drop. I don't think I can handle being around her for so long.

"Oh." I lets out, softly, her nodding her head. "Cool, I'm sure that it'll be fun." I confess to her, noticing her eyes move away from me before looking back at me.

"Yeah, yeah, probably." Y/n answers in reply, before glancing into the kitchen then moving closer to me. My eyes glance between hers before focusing on her lips. Fuck, her lips are still so kissable. I just want to be able to kiss her and not stop. "Look, are we okay?" She asks me, speaking quietly. I nod my head lightly, glancing between her eyes and nodding my head.

"Yeah. Yeah, we are." I answer, she nods her head lightly and hums softly.

"O—Okay." She lets out, I hear the bathroom door open down the hall and we move apart from one another. "Uh, if you need anything, lemme know?"

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