Are you Mine?

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A/N: Emma x Reader

Summary: Y/n has a sister, Kamila, who is friends with Emma. Y/n has her gay-awakening with Emma and throughout the years, her feelings repeatedly reignite.

Now I know what you're probably thinking, haven't you already done this before? Yes. I have. But something in my life has made me remember that this has happened and so I want to write it again, but different, so... ENJOY!

Reader's G!P



Y/n's POV:

(Age 7)

I'm in my room, doing homework on my desk trying to focus and pass this upcoming maths test that I have but I'm struggling because of my sister and her friend. It's kinda annoying but I know that if I tell Kamila that, then she'll throw a hissy fit and my parents will tell me off.

However, it isn't what I really want to be doing. What I really want to be doing is writing. I really like writing, writing's my favourite thing to do. Whether that's poetry, short stories, whatever. I just like writing. It's a burning passion of mines, like a fire always ignited that is impossible to blow out.

I reach for my can of diet coke only to feel that it's empty. I sigh, taking my earphones out and pause my music, getting up and opening my door, heading downstairs and going into the kitchen. I see Kamila and her friend, Emma. I stop, glancing at Kamila then focusing on Emma, my heart skipping a beat and something happening in my stomach. I feel a little woozy, reaching for the nearest counter to hold myself up.

"What's up?" Kamila asks, looking over at me. I try to blink away the dizziness and rest my hand over my stomach.

"Nothing," I dismiss, offering a short smile. "just a bit dizzy, I think." I express to her, opening the fridge and leaning against the counter, my eyes glancing over for a diet coke yet I don't see one. "Where's all the diet coke's gone?"

"Stole the last one." Kamila responds, lifting it up, opening it and taking a long sip, setting it down. I look back at the fridge, taking a bottled water and shut the fridge door. I open the bottle and Kamila excuses herself to go to the bathroom. My eyes follow her and when she leaves, I look over at her friend. I adjust and walk over toward Kamila's seat and look over at her homework. I snort.

"What?" I hear her friend ask, glancing between me and the paper. I point at her question.

"She got it wrong." I point out, itching the back of my neck and offering a short smile. "Annoying younger sister at your service, name's Y/n. Who're you?" I ask, offering my hand. I hear her laugh softly, taking my hand and shake my hands.

"Emma." She introduces herself, I nod and glance at her outfit, grinning.

"Cool outfit." I compliment her, noticing her grin and glance at her outfit then back at me.

"You think? I thought I might be seen as weird." She confesses, wearing a long sleeved rainbow t-shirt with a black t-shirt over it, wearing black jeans and black and white converse.

"I think you look really cool." I express to her, noticing her eyes light up.


"Hell yeah." I agree, nodding my head and glancing back to see if Kamila is coming yet I don't see her. I sit myself down, erasing her answer and writing the actual answer, trying to copy her writing. "Hopefully she doesn't notice, don't tell her yeah?"

"It can be our secret." Emma agrees, offering her hand, I give her a high five and hear a groan.

"Don't tell me you like her." Kamila expresses, sounded disgusted as she sits herself down in her chair. I roll my eyes.

Emma x Reader One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now