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A/N: CC x Reader

Summary: CC and Y/n are rivals and are always competing against one another even though they play for the same team, yet when CC and her mom switch bodies and her mom is failing CC at the game, Y/n realises and starts to look out for her, ending in a bit of a tussle between her and an opposing player who was yelling at CC.





I walk into school, immediately being greeting by James who offers me a high five, I give him one.

"Good luck, Superstar." He wishes, patting my shoulder afterwards.

"Gonna score one for you."

"You better." He replies, smiling as I head over to my friends, seeing them all begin to surround me, chanting my name and I do my handshake with Ava.

"Gosh, it's so good to see you guys and get away from Jess the Robot Walker." I express to Ava, beginning to speak like a robot and move like a robot when I mention my mom, hearing her laugh softly as she hugs me for a moment.

"You got this, just block her out."

"Tomorrow's a big game! The stands are filled! I mean, this is literally the pinnacle of my career." I express, dramatically to Ava who laughs and nods her head.

"Yes, yes, yes, I know. Which is why we're going to show them tomorrow and completely beat the crap out of them." Ava assures me, directing me to my locker which I open and move my left strap off of my shoulder and move my bag more around and open it. Putting my chem book away and grabbing my geometry textbook. I shut over my locker, turn around and see my nemesis, Y/n L/n, beginning to walk past me.

"Ah, I'm surprised you don't have a Gatorade with you, Walker." Y/n comments, beginning to walk backwards as she smiles. "Didn't eat the bottle as well, did you?"

"Shut up, L/n."

"Ooh, feisty the day, are we?" She replies, chuckling afterwards.

"Least I have people to support me." I quip, her having no friends and not talking to absolutely anyone 99 percent of the time.

"Quick note, make sure to not do all the chatting and not prove it in training, sunshine?" She replies, turning away and flipping me off as she then turns the corner. I roll my eyes and shake my head.

"Ignore her." Ava instructs me to do, which I scoff at, crossing my arms over my chest and turn to face Ava.

"I can't! She's so goddamn annoying." I complain while she directs me away and toward our first period class which is thankfully far away from Y/n.

I hate her so much, she's always trying to out-do me and be better, I mean, I thought that I was always practicing but she takes it to the next level. It's all she talks about, does, I'm surprised that her grades haven't slipped in the slightest.

Then again with all that free time, how can it?


Right now, it's lunch and I'm on the field, passing around the ball with Ava, both of trying to better our runs and shots. Our shots need to be tight, and amazing! It needs to be quicker. I need to be quicker.

"Here!" I call out, Ava passing it through to me and I control it, hitting it and it going bottom right. I smile. Seeing a ball come flying past me and over into the net. I jump, turning and seeing Y/n at the halfway line.

Emma x Reader One-ShotsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt