Not like Before 2

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A/N: Emma x Reader



OHHHH AND..... don't hate me, please? ;) hehhe mwa



Emma's POV:

I'm at a competition right now, I'm a little nervous but also quite relaxed, it's difficult to explain as the one thing I'm nervous about is that I heard that Y/n is here. I don't know if she's competing or just in the stands but still, it's annoying to know that she can just appear out of no where and most likely completely avoid my existence.

It's maddening, especially since the men's free and short programs were the past two days and she had been there. I didn't expect her to also want to watch the men's skating as she's always been so focused on her own choreography and her own programs to bother even looking at the men's—

Stop, I need to focus. I can't focus if I'm thinking about Y/n. I can't do the two at once, it's a death-wish if I do.  But it's annoying as I don't know if she's competing because... surprise, surprise, she left our team. Didn't tell me, didn't even make the announcement anywhere, she just... vanished.

She's now at another team with Sekelsky and Reann and... oh my god, can I stop thinking about her for one fricken minute? Jesus, what is wrong with me? I sound like an obsessed person.

"Emma," I hear the assistant coach, Sebastian, calls me over. I walk over toward him, leaning close so that I can hear him over everything. "you're about to go on, now, remember, this is just a warm up. This isn't the actual thing so just keep it to waltz-jumps and maybe a 2-3 actual jumps." He explains to me, as I often go through all of the jumps in my program in training and if I fail, I get in my head about it. "You got this, okay?"

"Okay, I think I'm just gonna refill my water quickly."

"I can do that, if you want?"

"No, it's okay, I got it." I respond, grabbing my bottle and seeing that it's more than halfway empty. I exit the room, heading toward the water fountain which should be a little down the corridor then right then a quick left. I follow the trail and when I get to the water fountain, I immediately freeze. "Y/n." I mutter under my breath, hearing her turn around and I notice her face drop for a moment, before she sends me a smile of a whopping second before turning away from me again, filling up her bottle.

I wait for her to be done, chewing on my bottom lip as I think about the last time we were in this exact building, and what happened.


(Age 8)

I go for a jump, spinning 3 times and go to land but land oddly. I try to fix it, end up falling. I groan in frustration. That was my 5th attempt, today, at a Triple Axel and I still haven't got it. I've been trying to perfect it and help myself become consistent as I am with my Quad Toe-Loop and Lutz but it isn't working.

"Emma!" I hear my Coach yell on me, I slightly jump and skate over toward her, as we're doing a practice run and I compete in 25 minutes. "We have gone over this, again! And tuck in that stomach, you need to rotate faster!" She yells, I feel my heart drop as I hate being yelled at. I clench my jaw, nodding my head, desperate for even a sip of water.

"Can I get a sip of water?" I ask her, looking over at my water bottle to see that I have no water in my bottle left. She looks over and sighs, letting her shoulders fall and looks at me again for a long moment.

Emma x Reader One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now