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A/N: Pippa x Reader

Summary: While Y/n arrives at her girlfriends house, Pip fills her in on the case of Y/n's older brother and Y/n gets messages from an unknown person, worrying Pip.

I know some will be annoyed at the fact Pip obviously isn't gay in the books but remember, this is just an idea, so, please don't send any hate <3



Y/n's POV:

I go onto Twitter to see if anything is going on yet I can't seem to find anything that interesting. I scroll down, waiting to find something only to see that I have something in my mailbox from Twitter. I feel my eyebrows furrow. I click onto the mailbox and it's a bot account, saying:

"Stop investigating and I won't hurt you." The tweet says, I click on it then go onto the account, it's a private account and I go back to my mailbox to see that there are 4 different accounts saying the same thing.

"What do you want from me?" I attempt to send to one of them only for it not to go through as the account has been deleted.

What the hell?


I'm on my way to walk to Pip's and as I pass my driveway, I see a note on the windshield of my car. Why is a note there? I head toward it and pick it up, opening it.

"How long are you gonna ignore me before you finally listen?" The note reads, I feel my heart want to leave my chest and I immediately scrunch it up, glancing around and shove it in the bin. I head back inside, stepping into the kitchen where my mum is.


"Yeah, Honey?" She asks me, glancing back from cutting onions.

"Have you noticed the note on my car?" I ask her, patting the side of my thighs while I wait for her response.

"No, what did it say?"

"Nothing important, just was curious if you knew how long it'd been there." I express to her, shrugging. "I'm gonna go to Pip's, is that alright?"

"Yeah, can you tell her that I thank her for the flowers."


"Yeah. Those ones. Came with a beautiful card." She points over to a vase that is filled with flowers and I narrow my eyes in confusion. I slowly nod my head.

"A—Ah, all... all right. I'll thank her." I say in reply, seeing my mum smile contently.


I arrive at Pip's and her mum answers, me and her talking for a few moments before she tells me to go upstairs otherwise Josh is gonna have me all afternoon. I take my shoes off and put them on the rack, setting them beside Pip's like I always do.

I walk upstairs and see Josh playing the NHL game I got him. I've been trying to train him in it but it isn't going well. The main point though is that he's trying a game I like, and that's very sweet of him.

I knock on Pip's door softly, before opening the door and glancing around the room.

"Pip?" I call out to her, wondering where she is.

"Under here." I hear her voice say quietly, she moves her hand out and shows her hand, I smile softly. Shutting the door quietly and walking over to her desk. I begin to squat down, seeing her hiding under her desk. Her knees to her chest, her headphones around her ears and I feel myself immediately wanting to take care of her.

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