Chapter 5

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Cadence P.O.V

I am surprised to see that Josh is still in the room when I wake up. I would have thought that he would want to go explore and see what the new town will be like, but he didn't. Instead, he is sitting on his bed, looking in my direction with a light red color on his face.

"Is something wrong?" I ask him softly.

He coughs and looks to the side, rubbing his shoulder. I look to the side and see that my hoodie became unzipped during my sleep, exposing my binder.

I feel my face grow hot as I quickly pull the hoodie over my chest and zip it up. I am beyond mortified by this point.

"I um, you, uh, you were sleeping a-and it just, happened," he explains, seeming very flustered by the situation.

I pull my hoodie over my knees and rock gently on the bed. It seems believable to me because it wouldn't be the first time it's happened. I often get hot while I sleep and my body manages to get my hoodie unzipped by the time I wake up. It's strange.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know that would happen. That was probably, um, surprising," I mumble, scratching the back of my head gently.

"Yeah, a bit. You pass really well," he says.

I blush lightly, considering the statement to be a compliment. Normally people do not say that I pass, but that I am a tranny. It's a nice change.

"Really?" I ask, in slight disbelieve.

He nods. "Yeah, I didn't question you for a second. I think it's really cool. I've never met someone like you before."

Josh obviously means that he's never met a transgender person before. It's not exactly uncommon because many are closeted, but I knew a couple other trans boys before this.

"Thanks for being cool about this, I know other people would probably flip," I say softly.

He shares a small smile and nods. "No problem."

I smile and stretch, cringing slightly. I've been wearing my binder for far too long and I really need to take it off. My chest needs to breathe and relax.

"Is something wrong?" Josh asks, seeing that I am showing some discomfort.

"It's just, I'm not supposed to wear my binder for this long so it's getting uncomfortable," I explain. "Would you mind if I took it off?" I ask softly, just so I won't make him uncomfortable.

"Of course not, go ahead," he says.

I nod and slowly begin to unzip my hoodie. Josh looks away, most likely to give me some privacy in the open room. I unhook the binder and slide it off, freeing my breasts from their fabric shackles. It feels nice to breathe without restriction.

I throw my hoodie back on and zip it up. I don't care about wearing a shirt. My chest needs a break for a while.

"I'm done," I tell him.

Josh looks over to my side of the room. His eyes slowly wander down to my chest. My hoodie is rather baggy, but my chest still becomes prominent without my binder.

"Better?" he asks, seeing as I look to be more comfortable now.

"A lot actually. I've been dying to get it off."

'Josh seems nice. He is obviously understanding and he isn't judgmental of me. Those are rather hard traits to find in people now. Perhaps it wouldn't hurt to have one friend while I'm here.'

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