Chapter 21

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Cadence P.O.V

The days blur together now. I no longer bother with keeping track. I only write in my notes when something interesting happens. Lately, I haven't been writing anything because I've been staying in the apartment.

The talk of The Oasis is that the sun is getting closer to death every day. I'm not sure whether or not I believe it, but everyone else seems to. I haven't been able to check any radiation meters since I was forced into this stupid bubble. For all I know we could be vaporized tomorrow.

I drag myself out of bed and take a quick shower. The more I see my body the more I resent myself. The dysphoria is killing me. I dry my hair and body as I get out. I make sure I am completely dry before putting my binder on.

I throw on a baggy hoodie and some jeans and head down to the kitchen. I toss my testosterone pill in my mouth and wash it down with some water.

'I am running out of pills. This is bad. I don't know what to do once I run out. I know that there will be medication in the hospital, but I would have to steal it. They would never give me hormone drugs willingly. I am going to have to do this myself. Not now, but at another time when I need them.'

I sigh softly as I walk out of the apartment. Every few days or so Josh makes me go out and get some "fresh air." I hardly believe The Oasis has fresh air. It is closed off from the rest of the world.

I walk out to the forest and see Josh. Even when all the days are terrible he still forces me to crack a smile. He's the only real thing I have to look forward to.

We lay on the ground and stare at the sky. The artificial sun feels warm against the skin. I sigh softly, resting my face near Josh's chest. He surprises me by putting his arm around my shoulder and pulling me close.

The day is relaxing and peaceful. It is nice just to spend it out in the forest. I sigh and close my eyes, resting with Josh.

We are both nearly asleep when all of the sudden the ground shakes violently. Josh and I both get up and run out of the forest, avoiding falling trees. The ground is shaking very violently.

"What's happening!?" I yell as we escape the forest.

"Earthquake!" Josh yells, grabbing me and pulling me back into town.

Other people run through town screaming. We keep running until the ground suddenly stops. Parts of buildings crumble and several trees are down around town.

I hug Josh tightly as we look around. People are scared out of their wits and many are injured. Government officials call an emergency meeting for all.

Neither of us are hurt so we decide to head straight to the meeting along with many others. We want to know what just happened, although I'm sure a lot of us already have the idea.

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