Chapter 34

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Cadence P.O.V

Josh and I have been in The Oasis for about four months now. We started officially dating around two months and it's been about two months since then. Josh makes me so happy.

Lately, I've been feeling a bit strange. I'm not sure why. I just haven't felt the same the last few weeks. My chest feels more tender than it usually does, so I'm not binding around the apartment.

Today I haven't felt very well. My stomach hurts and I feel very fatigued. Josh holds me close to him, but that doesn't help. I still feel horrible.

"Are you okay, Hun?" he asks softly, probably seeing the discomfort on my face.

I groan softly and shake my head no. I have felt horrible all day and I don't know what to do.

"Do you think you're getting sick?" he asks, feeling my forehead.

I don't feel like I have a fever, I don't feel like I'm getting a cold, I just feel like shit in general. Josh sighs softly, unsure of what to tell me.

I get up after a few moments, telling him that I'm going to take a shower. I figure a nice hot shower might help me feel a bit better. It normally did back when I wasn't trapped within The Oasis, so it's worth a shot.

I head to the bathroom and close the door. I take off my T-shirt and jeans, throwing them to the side while I turn on the water. I take off my sports bra and sigh, seeing my chest.

'I wish it was flat. My life would be so much easier if I could get the surgeries done and go on my way. Now that I am in The Oasis I fear that I may never get to transition. The hormone pills Sandra gave me are running out. I have a couple month's worth at most. After that, I don't know what will happen. I don't want Josh to have to steal for me. He could lose his job. I wouldn't want that to happen, he really likes working at the infirmary.'

I check that the water is hot before slipping my boxers off and getting in the shower. I avoid looking at my body to help avoid increasing my dysphoria. Every little bit helps.

The hot water feels nice against my skin. It helps relax me and eases some of my pain. I glance down at the water and feel shock hit me like a punch straight to the gut.

I watch the bloody water spiral down the drain in disbelief. It all makes sense now. I'm not sick at all.

I wash myself off and wrap a towel around my body, walking out to Josh. He looks at me with a slightly concerned look.

"What's wrong?" he asks quickly, sitting up. 

"Something isn't right with my hormones," I say softly, gripping the towel around me tightly.

He gives me a confused look while grabbing a bottle of my pills. There is no information on them at all. That is not very helpful.

"What makes you say that? Aren't they the same ones you've been taking?" he asks, still trying to inspect them.

"I wouldn't be on my period right now if they were the same as the ones I took before," I mumble.

Josh looks up at me with a concerned look. I look down and grab some clean clothes, along with my backpack. Even if I didn't go through my monthly torture when I first got here, I knew that it would happen eventually. I just didn't expect it to happen so soon.

'Something just isn't right.'

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