Chapter 31

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Josh P.O.V

I wake up with Cadence in my arms. I smile and kiss his forehead gently. He has a cute little grin that makes him even more adorable. I can't help but find him to be completely and utterly cute, although he probably wouldn't want me saying so. Cute is probably not what he's going for.

I try to sit up when I feel Cadence hug me and pull me back down. "Stay with me," he whines softly.

I laugh and lay back down, pulling him closer to me. Sometime while we slept he managed to steal the entire blanket and wrap himself in it. I'm not that surprised.

"My little sushi roll," I say while poking his nose.

He huffs softly and wiggles himself until he is completely against my chest. I figure he must still be cold because I am a naturally warm person. I radiate quite a good amount of heat. I wouldn't be surprised if he enjoys it.

"You're really warm," he says happily while nuzzling his face against my chest.

I smile and tease his hair, making him purr. "I'm just a warm person," I tell him.

"I'm always cold," he says softly.

I sit up and pull him with me, cradling him as he curls up on himself. "I'll warm you up."

He smiles and lays his head on my shoulder. I smile and hold him close as we rock gently. The day is peaceful and feels like we are in our own little bubble where no one can bother us. Technically we live in a bubble anyway, but this one is specifically ours.

After a while of cuddling, we decide to get up and get dressed. I throw on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt. Cadence puts his binder on and throws on his hoodie. His binder is disguised as a tank top once he zips it up.

We leave the apartment hand in hand. We don't care if people stare at us. The rumors they started to spread about Cadence and I being in a relationship have now been proven to be true. Anyone who doesn't like that can keep their opinion to themselves.

Some people whisper as we walk into the kitchen. Cadence keeps his head down. I know that he doesn't like being talked about, he told me himself.

He takes his pill discretely while people whisper. I wouldn't let anyone try and stop him anyway. Cadence doesn't tend to eat very much, so he sits quietly on the counter while I make a sandwich. I can tell that he is trying to ignore people whispering about us.

A group of blonde girls who seem very basic and like they would be the popular girls in high school begin to laugh while looking at Cadence. He tries to ignore them, but they whisper and nod in his direction. I try to listen to their conversation and only manage to make out one word; tranny. That was the final straw.

I walk over towards them and they instantly go silent, some trying to contain their laughter. I glare at them and cross my arms.

"Do any of you ladies have a problem with my boyfriend?" I ask them, trying to see if they'll 'fess up and tell the truth.

A few of them roll their eyes while their leader puts her hands on her hips. "Your girlfriend over there is a tranny freak with no friends," she says.

'That does it. I'm going to embarrass her in front of everyone here so she will never talk about Cadence in such horrible ways ever again.'

"Oh Honey, you and your whore friends are just jealous that I don't like the taste of fish. I can assure you that he is one-hundred percent man.~ Now take you and your little squad of sluts back to the fish tank," I say with a smirk.

I can see that they are all scarlet with rage. Everyone laughs and points at them, making them run off. I walk back to Cadence and put my arm around his shoulder as we walk back to our room.

"Thanks for that," he says softly.

"Anytime, Hun."

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