Chapter 35

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Josh P.O.V

I know that something isn't right here. I decide to head out and talk to Sandra while Cadence deals with his issue. She was the one who gave him the pills. Surely she would know why they aren't working.

I make my way through town to Sandra's house. Her and Cadence made up after she gave him the extra hormones, but something tells me that they won't be staying that way for much longer.

I knock on her door until she answers. She looks worried when she seems me, opening the door a bit more.

"What are you doing here, Josh? Where's Cadence?" she asks quietly.

"He's at home. What did you give him in those pill bottles? There's no kind of information at all," I ask sternly, intending to get answers.

She sighs and invites me in, closing the door behind me. She takes me to the kitchen and tells me to sit down. I reluctantly do so, only because I want answers.

She leaves the room for a moment and comes back with a man. I instantly realize that this man is Mayor Greene. I instantly feel my level of anger rising.

'I should have known that the smug bastard had something to do with this.'

"You son of a bitch!" I snap, clenching my fists, ready to throw several good punches at him.

"Now now, Josh, play nicely. You wouldn't want to attack the one who supplies your girlfriend with hormones," he says smugly.

I stop and look at him in confusion. "What do you mean you're supplying the hormones?" I ask.

"I give the estrogen and progesterone to Sandra, who has been delivering it to Cadence, who believes that she can still transition. That will never happen. She will stay how she was born and have a child whether she likes it or not," he explains, a sinister tone in his voice.

I feel myself become enraged. "That wasn't the deal, ass-hole! You promised me that once we had a baby that he could transition! What the hell!?" I scream, throwing a good punch to his jaw. 

He growls and shoves me back. I am about to throw another punch at him when Sandra stands between us.

"You're both acting like children! Cut it out! Fighting doesn't solve anything!" she snaps.

I clench my fists out of anger and huff. Sandra does have a point, but I am so infuriated that I want to keep going.

"We had an agreement, putting Cadence on estrogen was not a part of it," I grumble, glaring at Mayor Greene.

"We had to put her on female hormones, otherwise she can't get pregnant," he says.

"You told me he could have the surgeries afterward!" I snap harshly, getting closer to hitting him every time he takes a breath.

"Plans change," he says coldly, no emotion in his tone.

Sandra gives him a hurt look. He must have told her the same thing. She clearly still cares about Cadence and wants him to be happy.

She moves out of the way and nods at me. I take that and smirk, punching him straight in the nose. I hit him several more times until he passes out from the blunt force trauma. It felt good to make him suffer.

"Now what do we do?" Sandra asks after letting me cool down.

"We take matters into our own hands."

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