Chapter 38

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Cadence P.O.V

I search for Josh and Sandra in the only places I know to search. I checked the forest where Josh and I liked to go, but they weren't there.

It wasn't exactly easy to search because I was only looking in places that Josh and I had been. I haven't been talking to Sandra as much so I am not sure of the places she likes to be. 

I decide to search by the lake next. I don't know why I would think they would go there because that's more of an area that Josh and I spend time at, but I still check anyway. It is one of the few places I have been to in The Oasis.

I finally check the infirmary, which I realize should have been the first place that I searched. Josh does work there after all. It makes more sense that he would be there and not somewhere remote.

Unfortunately, he is not there either. I sigh and finally just end up dragging myself back to our apartment. It crosses my mind that he might be laying low because of what happened with Mayor Greene, but I don't exactly believe that.

'Josh would at least find me and talk to me first. He might even take me with him. And if he didn't offer then I would still go with him anyway. When the person you love is in danger then you are in danger of losing them.'

I sigh and lay in bed, closing my eyes. I am not asleep, but rather I am resting. I am at a point where I am too exhausted to sleep if that even makes sense.

I hear the door open and sit up slowly. Josh and Sandra stand at the door, looking a bit surprised when seeing me. I get up quickly and hug Josh, rather tightly.

"Where have you been!? I searched for both of you and you were just, gone!" I tell him.

He eases into the apartment and closes the door. "Easy, easy, calm down," he says calmly, "I went to talk to Sandra after you got out of the shower and things just didn't go very well," he explains.

"I know. I went to Sandra's house and found Mayor Greene turning purple," I mumble.

Josh gives me a slightly worried look. I am not exactly sure why. Perhaps it is because he acted violently towards Mayor Greene and does not want me to see him as a violent person.

"Mayor Greene told me that you beat the shit out of him because he told you the truth," I say softly, "what did he tell you?"

Both Sandra and Josh look concerned that I have asked them such a simple question. It's as if they don't know what to tell me.

"Cadence, I didn't get the hormones I gave you from Mom and Dad, I got them from Mayor Greene. He lied to me and told me that they were testosterone, but they were really estrogen," Sandra explains softly.

I am shocked that Sandra would trust Mayor Greene of all people. He is not the type of person you trust. He is a government pawn that tricks the people into being trusting. My sister fell for the trap. 

"How could you do that? You trusted him. I've been on female hormones for two months because of you!" I hiss out, feeling my eyes burn with forming tears.

"I'm sorry, Cadence. I shouldn't have trusted him. He just offered the pills and I thought they would make things right between us. I'm so sorry," she tells me.

"That's why I got so mad, Cadence. I found out that you were on the wrong hormones. But," he says while taking several pill bottles out of his pockets, "I took these from the infirmary to get you back on track."

I hug him tightly and bury my face in his chest. "You could lose your job for that," I say softly.

"I don't care as long as you get to be happy."

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