Chapter 14

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Cadence P.O.V

Mayor Greene does not seem as friendly as he wants to look. He gives off a sickeningly cruel vibe to me. Everyone is different behind closed doors, I know that all too well.

I have not talked to Sandra since we arrived in The Oasis. She has shoved by me once, but other than that our paths have not crossed again. I am not happy that she refuses to talk to me, she is the one who caused the problem.

'Sandra is the type of person to make everything about her. She probably blames me for our fight when it was her that was being horrible and crushing the only shred of hope I ever had. This is her fault.'

I lay down on my bed and take out my phone. Josh lays on the edge of his bed and runs his fingers through his hair. The strange vibe of the meeting is obviously on his mind.

"Mayor Greene seems nice, but sounds like he's running a doomsday cult," he says after a moment.

"Maybe he is," I say, only half jokingly.

'I wouldn't be surprised if some secret organization was running The Oasis in the background. They hide behind a friendly face that distracts the people and slowly begin to take control of everything. By the time anyone figures out their plan it is too late.'

"I don't want to think about being in some weird shit like that, it's creepy," he tells me, glancing at his phone.

I glance in the upper right corner of my own and see that there is still no service. I would have thought that there would be internet by now. It definitely doesn't make things feel any better.

'This feels like they are trying to close us off from the rest of the world. They don't want us talking to anyone about what is inside The Oasis. I don't care if they are actually cutting us off because I don't have anyone to talk to on the outside anyway, but I'm sure others will care. I've lived in my own bubble my entire life, now everyone else will know how I feel.'

I turn off my phone and sigh softly. Josh sits up on his elbows and looks at me. 

"Is something wrong?" he asks softly.

"I'm so used to being alone in my own bubble, but now I feel like the one thing I've had for as long to remember has been destroyed," I tell him, seeing no point in lying.

"It's not good to close yourself off like that. You miss a lot of good things in life. You can miss the shitty moments and tell yourself that you're better off, but you end up being all alone, in the end, regretting that you didn't give anyone a chance."

It occurs to me that Josh makes valid points. I have never let anyone in and I never had normal experiences. I suppose that is the cost of not feeling pain when it actually matters.

"I have my reasons for cutting everyone out," I mumble, pulling the covers over my head and curling up in a ball.

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