Chapter 13

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Josh P.O.V

I feel like I am finally starting to get Cadence out of his shell. He has been laughing along with me and talking a bit more. Even if he's quiet I still consider it to be a good amount of progress.

Cadence still doesn't talk to anyone else, but I don't really expect him to. I'm happy that he is coming out of his shell around me. I am his friend and his roommate. Technically he doesn't have to talk to anyone else. The only thing I hope is that we remain, friends after we are out of this apartment.

'I don't want Cadence to huddle back up in a ball once we move out of here. All the progress he's been making would be for nothing. Hopefully, he will still wish to be friends with me once we aren't living together.'

Today is the meeting for our age group. It's been a few days, but we are finally getting to hear what to expect from our new home. I've been exploring the areas around town, but I want to know what else there is.

Cadence and I sit together. He looks slightly uncomfortable like he doesn't enjoy being in large crowds. I understand why it could be hard for him. Having your walls up for so long and then being thrown into a group of strangers is pretty stressful. 

I set my hand down in the space between us and feel Cadence grab my hand, rather tightly. He must be more stressed out than I thought.

After a few moments, a man comes out. He looks like the stereotypical "friendly mayor" type who calls himself one of the people although he obviously puts himself above us. Society truly is a place of corruption.

"Hello everyone, I am Mayor Greene. I hope you are all settling into The Oasis. Now I know a lot of you are probably upset. Many of you are the only remaining members of your family, but your families have made a great sacrifice to ensure that you live a long and happy life. What I want you all to know is that we are your family now. Here in The Oasis, there is a place for everyone, and even if you think that you don't belong here, you do. You all are the next generation that will keep the human race alive. Welcome to The Oasis," he says, giving both Cadence and I a very creepy vibe.

This seems to me like a cult initiation. The vibe about this place suddenly shifted and now I don't feel comfortable either. Maybe Cadence is right when he doesn't want to leave the apartment. Maybe he can see through the act.

We go over rules for about an hour. It's just basic stuff; be respectful, treat each other with respect, everyone is your neighbor, violence or violation of any rules will not be tolerated. The rules make me feel like I am back in grade school.

Everyone is dismissed back to their apartments. Cadence and I leave together. Both of us are feeling a bit uneasy after that meeting.

'Something just isn't right about this.'

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