Chapter 59

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Josh P.O.V

I get Cadence to the infirmary as fast as I possibly can. He yells and curses at me for doing this to him, but I know it's just the pain talking.

He's checked in and taken back to a room. He practically begs the nurse for an epidural, but she says that she isn't authorized to give him one. I feel terrible for causing him to be in so much pain.

I kneel by the bed and offer Cadence my hand for support. He grabs my hand as another contraction hits and squeezes my hand tighter than ever before. The pain is giving him a newfound strength.

"Oh God, make it stop!" he cries.

"Why can't he have an epidural!?" I ask the nurse, hating the fact that the one I love is in pain and I am powerless to stop it.

She is at the foot of the bed, checking his progress when I ask. When she comes up she goes to the door and calls for Dr. Smith before turning back to me.

"We can't giver her an epidural because she's already fully dilated!" she snaps at me.

I am surprised to hear that it happened so quickly. There have been women that take days to reach full dilation. Cadence has been in labor for maybe half an hour. He is certainly one of the lucky ones to be ready so quickly.

"I don't care, I want the drugs!" Cadence cries out, sitting up during another contraction.

I hold his hand and rub his back. "I'm sorry, Cadence."

"You're not sorry! You did this on purpose!" he yells, falling back against his pillow as the contraction ends.

Dr. Smith chuckles while washing up. It is quite clear that neither Cadence nor myself are laughing. This is not funny to us.

"Alright Cadence, you're fully dilated. My nurse is going to count to ten and you're going to push, okay?" he says, kneeling at the foot of the bed and checking Cadence just to make sure.

"N-No! I-I can't do this! It hurts too much!" he cries.

I hold his hand and kiss his knuckles. "You can do this, Cadence."

He nods after a few moments and the nurse starts counting to ten as Cadence pushes. I can tell that it is taking all of his possible strength to go through this.

"Why did you do this to me!?" Cadence yells, squeezing my hand.

"Don't worry, they always say that," Dr. Smith says.

"Fuck you!" he snaps.

The same process is looped until finally, everything stops. The sound of crying fills the room and everyone takes a breath.

"It's a boy!" Dr. Smith announces happily.

Cadence smiles and pants, tears rolling down his cheeks. I smile and kiss his cheek, as the nurse cleans up our son. I couldn't be happier at the moment.

The nurse hands our son to Cadence, wrapped up in a soft blue blanket. I know that we both can't stop smiling. We basically tune everything else out. That is until the nurse hurriedly takes our son from Cadence and hands him to me.

"Hey!" Cadence snaps.

"She's bleeding Dr. Smith! Heavy bleeding!" the nurse exclaims, gesturing for the doctor to come over.

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