Chapter 43

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Cadence P.O.V

Tomorrow arrives and Josh leaves for the infirmary. I wait a while and think about what I'm going to do. After a while of pacing around the apartment, I decide to go and talk to Sandra.

'I'm not sure why I'm worried. I trust Josh. I've trusted him with everything I have to trust someone with. I let him in when I wouldn't let anyone else near me. I let him have my heart and body. I've never trusted anyone more, not even my own family.'

I walk through town to Sandra's house. People tend to stare at me when I walk by. I try not to let it bother me, but when I hear slurs it gets under my skin. I never say anything to defend myself because I know that will only make things worse.

Defending myself only leads to violence. Right now that is not what I want. I have to find out what the deal between Sandra and Josh is.

I continue to walk before reaching her door. Something about this whole situation makes my stomach churn. It just doesn't feel right. I reluctantly knock on the door and wait for her to answer.

Sandra comes to the door after a few moments and pulls me in quickly, glancing around outside. I pull out of her hold and rub my wrist and back away from her.

"What is so urgent?" I hiss out softly.

Sandra pulls me into the living room and forces me to sit down. I sink down into the soft couch cushion and glare at her. None of this feels right to me.

My sister paces around the room, running her fingers through her hair. I can tell that she is beyond stressed. Something is definitely wrong.

"Josh kept saying that he was going to tell you soon, but he hasn't done it yet. You deserve to know the truth. I know that it isn't right for me to tell you this, but I know that if I don't he won't tell you," she says, hugging herself as she looks down.

I am confused by what I've just been told. "What is Josh not telling me?" I ask slowly, looking up at her.

Sandra sighs and avoids eye contact with me. "The truth is that Josh and I both had arrangements with Mayor Greene. He told us that you would be allowed to transition once you had a child," she starts, still not looking at me.

I stare at her in shock. I don't know what to say. My mind is going blank, but I am certainly angry.

"You were put on estrogen to correct your ovulation cycle. I regret being the one who had to give you the wrong pills, but I was promised something and I fell for the trap. Josh, however, had a much larger part in this. He was told that once he got you pregnant and that you had a child that you could transition. That's what he hasn't told you. He's trying to get you pregnant."

I feel like my heart has been ripped forcibly from my chest and that it has been crushed in the horrid fist of the truth. I am at a loss for words and I just don't know what to do.

I quickly stand and head towards the door. Sandra grabs my arm and begs for me to wait, but I shove her off.

"You were part of this too! You betrayed me; lied to me! We were family!" I scream at her, tears pouring from my eyes like water from a faucet.

"Were? We are family!" she argues

"Not anymore," I mumble while leaving the house, slamming the door.

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