Chapter 58

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Cadence P.O.V

This last month has flown by. I actually should have gone into labor several days ago, but doctors say it's perfectly normal to be a little late. I'm glad too because I was beginning to worry that something might be wrong.

Josh is practically always paranoid now. Each time I move around he jumps and asks me if the baby is coming. It's kind of funny and cute that he's so excited.

'Even though he betrayed me so long ago I know he will be a good dad. We'll make things work for our baby. Even if we aren't officially together I won't try to brutally murder Josh in front of them. We've gotten through that phase.'

Josh holds me close to him since I said I was cold again. It's something he's done a lot during my entire pregnancy. It's not romantic, it's because I'm cold. Josh is practically a space heater.

I place his hand on the side of my stomach and hold it there for a while. The baby has been kicking me there all day but usually, settles down when Josh is close.

"They've been kicking me all day," I say softly, resting my head in the crook of Josh's neck.

"Awe, I'm sorry Hun," he replies, teasing my hair with his other hand.

The kicking eases up after a few moments. I tend to feel better when Josh is close. It makes me feel like the baby might like Josh more than me sometimes.

'It's a little ridiculous. This child isn't even born yet and I'm already thinking that they've chosen a favorite. I shouldn't be jealous or upset. I know that once this child is born that they will love both of us.'

"You're going to be a great dad," I tell him softly.

"You're already a better dad, Cadence. You're carrying them and not very many dads can say they've done that," he replies, continuing to tease my hair.

I laugh softly and sigh. I suppose Josh does have a point. This baby won't really have a mom, but they will have two dads. I've heard that two dads can be better than one. Plus the new world needs a bit of gay parenting.

We continue to lay and cuddle for a good while. It's pretty comfortable and moving around is hard for me. I like laying in bed and resting.

I'm nearly asleep when suddenly I get a sharp pain in my abdomen. I cry out in agony and sit up. It doesn't take Josh or I very long to realize what these pains are; contractions.

Josh gets up quickly and helps me out of bed. He's been prepared to go to the infirmary since we found out I was pregnant.

I grab his arm tightly in pain and cry out. It's the most excruciating pain I could ever imagine. My entire body feels like it's being ripped in half by a metal spike.

"Get this thing out of me!" I scream, clutching Josh's arm as tight as I can.

"It'll be okay, Cadence. The pain will be worth it," Josh says reassuringly.

"Says you! Have a baby try clawing its way out of your abdomen and shoving itself through your genitalia and then tell me it's worth it!" I yell back.

'Jesus fucking Christ this hurts! This better be worth it!'

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