Chapter 27

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Cadence P.O.V

I am back on my hormone pills, yet something feels different. I'm not sure what it is. Perhaps it was because I was off of them for a while. My body needs to get used to them being back in my system I suppose.

I was simply overjoyed when Josh gave me those pills. It was so kind of him. And he could lose his job, but he did it anyway. He is my only friend here and I couldn't be happier. I finally have someone on my side.

I head downstairs with Josh and take my pill. I do not draw attention to myself and keep my head down so others do not notice. Josh is also taller than me, so I am concealed for the most part.

Josh puts his arm around my shoulder as we exit the kitchen. I still hear other's whisper about us. I want to say something, but I know that they would not stop. The rumors would only worsen due to my denial.

I sigh softly as we head upstairs to our apartment. I sit down on my bed and feel Josh hug me from behind. We are definitely the type of close friends who cuddle and stuff like that. We are not a couple, we're just close.

Josh buries his face in the crook of my neck. My neck is rather sensitive, so I feel chills run down my spine. His hot breath feels strange against my skin, but there is something about it that I enjoy.

My face grows very hot when Josh kisses my neck, even if it is a very small kiss. I blush darkly and sit up. That was definitely crossing the friendship line.

"Is something wrong?" he asks softly, probably seeing no problem with something like that because of how close we are.

I rub the back of my neck gently and look to the side. "Um, just," I pause, "I'm not sure that I'm comfortable with that," I say softly.

"Oh," he says after a moment, "Okay, sorry. I just wanted to try since we seem really close and I really like you, but if that makes you uncomfortable then I'll stop."

'Josh likes me? Like that? I do really like him. I like when we cuddle and hug. It feels nice. But do I want a relationship? I've never had one before. Obviously, I know what a bad one would be even without any past experience, but it's not about that. I am not very comfortable with my body yet. Josh might want to be intimate later and I don't want to shoot him down, but I don't know if I'm comfortable enough to do that. Not with my body the way it is at least. But I do really like him. Perhaps we could have a relationship.'

"I really like you too, Josh. I'm just not sure if I'm comfortable enough with myself to do stuff like that," I tell him, figuring I might as well be honest so I don't give him the wrong idea.

He pulls me close to him gently. "We don't have to be intimate or anything, we can just cuddle and talk," he says.

"So basically what we do now?"

He laughs softly and smiles. "Basically."

I smile and lay my head on his chest. "I'd like that."

"Me too."

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