Chapter 30

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Cadence P.O.V

I hide the hormone pills in my bedframe so they have less of a chance of being found. I wouldn't be surprised if they had soldiers or guards check our rooms while we were gone. There isn't really anywhere else where I could hide them.

I sigh and lay down next to Josh. He pulls me close and smiles.

"How did it go?" he asks.

"It went fine. Sandra gave me three more bottles of hormones and said that our parents gave them to her for safe keeping, but she seemed kind of on edge," I tell him.

'Sandra is the type of person who has a permanent stick up their ass, but this was different. She was jumpy, concerned, almost skittish. Normally she's never like that. It has me worried, but happiness is a strong emotion and conquers any feelings of worry.'

Josh and I cuddle for a while. He sets up a playlist of songs on his phone but won't let me see until they start playing.

I smile when I hear that Josh was listening and set up a playlist of my six favorite bands. The phone screen labeled the playlist as "Cadence's Top Six." I thought it was cute.

I hug Josh close and rest my head on his chest. The music wouldn't be considered relaxing to others, but to us, it is quite relaxing. We aren't exactly normal.

Josh holds me close to him and kisses my neck softly. It is not in a sexual way, just in that cute kind of way that some couples do it. I enjoy it.

I smile and hug his neck. Josh hugs my waist and pulls me closer to him. I blush lightly but do enjoy it.

'I never pictured myself being a very sexual person, but I'm not too sure. I'm a virgin. I don't really have any idea of what I do and don't like. I never had those stupid experimental times in high school like everyone else. I'm just not sure. I am back on my hormones and feel a bit better about myself, but I'm not sure. I am comfortable around Josh most of the time. Perhaps we could be intimate, as an experiment, to see if I'm comfortable enough with it.'

I sit up and pull him with me. He seems a little confused at first until I kiss him gently. He slowly kisses me back. I don't feel uncomfortable yet, which is a good sign. We break the kiss after a moment.

"I wanted to find out what I was comfortable with," I say softly.

"Okay, would you want to continue?"

I nod slowly and Josh pulls me into another kiss. I blush slightly and kiss back, feeling him remove my jacket from my shoulders. I'm wearing a loose tank top underneath, so it isn't hiding much. 

My tank top slumps off my shoulders, revealing my binder. I blush lightly and look to the side, rubbing my arm. I am starting to feel slightly uncomfortable, but I want to continue.

I unhook my binder slowly, sliding it off. It's basically a very tight sports bra that conceals my breasts. Surprisingly Josh doesn't look at my chest, he keeps his eyes locked with mine.

He takes his shirt off too. I can't help but look down at his chest. I've seen it before, but this time it's different. I feel more attracted than I did before.

Josh manages to lay me down on my back and tug my jeans down. He is slow and cautious with his moments, constantly looking to see if I am comfortable. It shows that he cares and doesn't want to make me feel uncomfortable.

He looks up at me when I'm down to nothing but my boxers. I blush darkly and bite my lip softly.

"Are you okay? Do you want to stop?" Josh asks.

I shake my head. I've made it this far and I'm not about to back out now. Josh slides my boxers down after a moment. He still doesn't focus on my private areas.

Josh unbuttons his jeans and slides his pants down, along with his boxers. I blush darkly and feel myself shudder.

My entire body feels hot all of the sudden and I have a burning need for Josh now. I have never felt this way before. Suddenly Josh inserts a finger into me, causing me to moan unexpectedly.

He shares a soft smirk as he thrusts his finger slowly, adding another after a moment. I moan, the new feeling of pleasure surprising me. He spreads his fingers, preparing me for his length so it will not be as painful.

After a few minutes, Josh removes his fingers and positions himself over me. I bite my lip as he presses against my entrance. He pushes in some of his length gently, causing me to moan. He pushes in more, making me grip his shoulders.

"Just tell me when I can move again, Hun," he says softly, kissing me gently.

It takes a few moments, but eventually, I adjust to the new feeling and tell Josh to move. He thrusts slowly, causing me to moan. I try to keep my volume down, but it is rather hard.

The feeling is nicer than I thought. I didn't think I was going to enjoy it this much. It feels especially nice because Josh isn't too rough. He must have known that it was my first time. The sex is passionate and loving. He even locks his fingers with my own, holding my hand. Not many people do that anymore. This means something to both of us.

Eventually, we change from our original position. I am now riding Josh. I suppose he wants to show that he is okay with being submissive so I can have a bit more dominance. After a while, I feel a tightening in my lower stomach area. I can tell that Josh has the same feeling.

"I-I'm getting close~," I warn him, putting my arms around his neck and resting my face against his shoulder.

He kisses my neck in any place he can reach. "I am too~."

Josh bucks his hips roughly, causing me to moan rather loudly. He does it again, seeing as I enjoy it. I feel much closer than before. I warn him once again, but he only bucks his hips once more, making me climax on his member. He climaxes inside me after a moment, making me moan and hug his neck tightly.

My legs feel like complete jelly and I am exhausted. I can barely get off of him before crumbling next to him. He pulls me close and cuddles, pulling the covers up over us. We both fall asleep soon after that.

'That was certainly a new experience.'

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