Chapter 36

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Cadence P.O.V

I leave the bathroom after I get dressed and head back to bed. To my surprise, Josh isn't in bed. I figure that he went down to the kitchen for some food, but I will not be going down there after him.

'Those girls might try to start talking about me again. That is the last thing I need right now. My dysphoria has skyrocketed and I know that I would snap instantly.'

I roll up tightly in the covers on my bed and sigh. It all makes sense now. I've been feeling so horrible because something about my hormones isn't right. Now that I think about it, this started with the pills that Sandra gave me.

'Did Sandra give me something that wasn't testosterone? What if she gave me estrogen? Would Sandra really do that to me? Would she really stab me in the back after I just forgave her? As much as I hate to admit it, some part of me wants to believe that it is true. Something just isn't right about this.'

I tell myself that I have to settle this once and for all. The building seems quiet right now, so I sneak down and out, avoiding eye contact with anyone. I am going to see Sandra and get the answers I need.

I quickly walk to her house. I don't want to run because it will make me uncomfortable in my situation and draw attention to myself. I definitely do not want that right now.

Once I reach her house I take a deep breath before knocking on the door. I wait a few moments but there is no answer. I knock a few more times before ultimately letting myself in. The door was unlocked and Sandra wasn't answering.

The house is dark and seems like no one is here. I decided to look around anyway, just in case Sandra is actually here. I look around the den and then move to the kitchen.

I am surprised to see Mayor Greene sitting at the kitchen table, an ice pack to his badly bruised face. I'm getting used to his bruised look, but I want to know why he is here while my sister isn't.

"What are you doing here? Where's Sandra?" I hiss out, keeping my distance from him.

He rolls his eyes at me and keeps the ice to his face. "Hello, Cadence. I was here to talk to Sandra, but she has run off with your boyfriend. I don't know where they have gone," he explains.

"Josh was here?" I ask softly, not exactly believing him.

"Yes, he was. He did the damage you see here," he tells me, gesturing to his face.

I am surprised that Josh could do so much damage. Mayor Greene must have really pissed him off for Josh to get that angry.

"Why did he do that?"

"He got angry because I told him the truth," he says, getting up and leaving the kitchen.

"Where can I find them?" I ask him before he opens the door.

"That's for you to figure out," he says smugly while leaving.

'I guess I'm on my own.'

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