Chapter 57

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Cadence P.O.V

Reaching the eight-month mark of my pregnancy was a major accomplishment. Never in my life did I imagine that I would make it this far. My dysphoria has been rough, but Josh has been there to help.

Being eight months pregnant makes me feel like I'm about to explode. It's difficult to move and people never call me sir anymore. Being pregnant is basically the gold seal confirming my female genetics. It certainly doesn't help with my dysphoria.

Mayor Greene requested to meet with me today. Josh is going with me of course, considering he believes I'm about to pop. I would prefer if he wasn't so paranoid, but I understand that he's worried. There's a lot going on right now.

Josh walks with me to the town hall and to Greene's office. Unfortunately only I was requested and Josh was forced to wait outside, much to his disliking.

When I enter his office I am surprised that he greets me with a handshake. I would not consider us the type to greet in such a polite manner. I would have rather greeted him with a punch to the nose.

"Ah, Ms. Buds, you look radiant," he compliments.

"Ew, skip all the gross female compliments and get to the point," I say sternly, rolling my eyes.

He gestures for me to sit down, which I gladly accept. It's far better to be off my feet and to give my back a break from all the weight pulling down on it.

"This is just a bit of paperwork regarding who will care for your child if something happens to you or you choose not to care for them," he tells me, sliding a few papers across his desk.

'I had decided months ago that I would raise this child. It wouldn't be fair to make Josh raise the baby alone when I'm perfectly capable of helping. Besides, every child should grow up with both of their parents in their life. I'm not going to give them up because of my own wants. That would be horribly selfish and I would never forgive myself.'

I look at the papers and sign my name along with Josh's for the guardians. This is our child and we are going to raise them. There are also other lines that ask who will raise our child if something should happen to one or both of us that I fill out as well.

Once I'm done filling out the papers I slide them back across the desk. Greene glances over what I wrote and seems satisfied.

"That will be all, Ms. Buds," he says.

I roll my eyes. "It's Mr. Buds. Just because I'm pregnant does not mean you can openly insult me," I snap, getting up and leaving the room. 

Josh stands quickly, eager to know why we were called here. "What did he want?"

"Calm down, he wanted me to fill out some custody papers, that's all," I explain as we walk.

"Oh," he says softly, "we're keeping the baby, aren't we?"

"Of course we are, the papers were just mostly about who would care for the baby if something happened to us."

He nods and puts his arm around my shoulder as we walk. It's nice to have him close right now. I know it's probably because of the baby, but it's still nice.

'I can't believe we've made it this far.'

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