Chapter 45

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Cadence P.O.V

I run from the room Josh and I once shared, tears pouring from my eyes. The reality of the situation is crushing me like a ton of bricks. All I can do to escape it is run, but even then I am still under its crushing weight.

I run as fast as my legs can carry me. My entire body aches and begs for me to stop. My binder constricts my breathing and makes my chest burn with pain. I reach the bottom of the second flight of stairs before finally burning out.

I crumble and curl up in the corner. My breathing is hitched and my lungs feel like they can barely get enough oxygen. My exhaustion mixed with sobbing only makes the situation worse.

I attempt to calm myself for a bit, but it doesn't exactly work. I take deep breaths as best I can. Nothing is helping.

After about a minute or so I collect the pieces of myself and begin to head down the rest of the stairs. I am nearly down the third flight of stairs when I feel someone grab my wrist. I look back only to see the one person I'm trying to get away from; Josh.

"Cadence, let me explain! You can't just run off on me like that without even giving me a chance!" he argues.

I yank my wrist from his grasp and growl. "You don't get to explain anything to me! You have done nothing but lie to me! All of this has been for the government! You're just trying to save your ass from the consequences of being ratted on!" I scream, dashing down the stairs.

Josh quickly follows me; his footsteps being my only clue. He isn't exactly quiet. I don't bother to look back because I no longer want to see him.

"No, Cadence! I swear that this was real! Please, I love you! I would never intentionally hurt you! I was going to tell you!" he yells back at me.

I can't bring myself to believe him. My trust has been broken and it cannot be mended with a few simple words. I'm not sure that it can be mended at all. It has broken beyond repair.

"It's too late! You didn't tell me! You waited for weeks! Sandra had to tell me because you wouldn't! And now you have the audacity to try and earn my forgiveness!? I am done with you! Don't bother trying to find me!" I scream, running down the rest of the stairs and out of the building.

'I don't know where I'm going, but I know that it's going to be far away. I'll camp on the opposite side of this dome if I have to. I can't stand to be anywhere near Josh.'

Josh continues to follow and attempt to persuade me, and I finally snap. I turn around quickly and throw a hard punch at his jaw, sending him tumbling back to the ground. He's out like a light. I can finally leave and attempt to move on.

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