Chapter 55

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Cadence P.O.V

I didn't leave the apartment for the rest of the day or night. My stomach felt like it had fallen out of my body and the thought of eating made me feel sick. Josh never did leave the hall either. I could still hear his irritating fingers tapping on the floor.

I managed to fall asleep after a while. It was hard to remain asleep and I woke up several times during the night but resting felt good. I was so exhausted from all the shock and anger.

I only fully woke up when I heard Josh yell. I wasn't sure who he was yelling at until the door to the apartment opened.

"Ah, there she is, the mother to be," Greene said, a sickening tone in his voice as he put the key he used to get in into his pocket.

In the background I see Josh scramble to his feet and quickly run in, standing between Greene and I. I sit up, growling out of frustration.

"What the fuck do you want, you two-faced dick-head?" I snap, being angered by his presence.

He rolls his eyes at my name calling and pushes Josh aside. I can tell that Josh is angered by him being here as well. He doesn't make anyone jump for joy.

"I just wanted to go over a few things," he says.

I raise my eyebrows at him and tilt my head. "What kind of things? What? Do you want to put me on some crazy health diet? Limit my mobility? Put me on strict bed rest? 'Cause if so you can get the fuck out right now," I tell him sternly.

"No, no, nothing like that. You will have to take some prenatal vitamins, but that's about it. I wanted to talk about your condition and how it will affect you," he says, going into more detail now.

"Go on," I say, curious about what he has to say.

"Whether you like it or not, you will carry this child. There will be no abortion, professional or done by yourself. Any behavior like that and you will be put on strict watch at the infirmary. Once you have the child, naturally or by caesarean section, either you will raise them on your own, alongside Josh, or the child will be placed into the children's home to be cared for by its staff. After that, you can go back to your normal life, whether that be by yourself or with Josh. Those are the terms," he tells me, a sly grin crawling onto his face as he finishes talking.

'As much as I hate this situation, I can't say the conditions aren't reasonable. They certainly are. That is what I hate.'

"I just have one question."

"Ask away," he says calmly.

"Can I transition afterward? I'll have the child and my debt will be resolved. Can I have the surgeries I planned on having?" I ask, hoping to achieve the only thing I've ever truly wanted to do.

"If all goes well it can be arranged."

I feel a sudden weight be lifted from my chest. I have a small piece of hope back. I could finally do what I wanted to do with my life.

"Wait," Josh interrupts, "what if Cadence doesn't want to raise the child, but I do? Would I get them?" he asks, glancing at me with worried eyes.

"That will be discussed if that situation arises. Good day," Mayor Greene replies, leaving the apartment.

Josh looks at me with begging eyes. I sigh and roll my eyes, laying down in bed. He sits down on the edge of my bed and places his hand on my leg gently.

"I want to be there, for both of you," he says softly.

"Give me some time to think and we'll see what happens," I reply flatly.

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