Chapter 22

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Josh P.O.V

Cadence and I attend the emergency town meeting. Neither of us were hurt by the earthquake, unlike many others. We sit together and await the news.

After about ten minutes of sitting in awkward silence between us, Mayor Greene walks out. His arm is in a sling and he looks like he has a few new bruises. He was obviously one of the more unlucky ones.

"Ladies and gentlemen I ask for your attention, please. I know what we've all just experienced may be frightening, but I can assure you that the worst is over. That earthquake was part of the aftermath of the explosion of the sun. The Oasis has survived and served its purpose. Welcome home everyone," he says into a microphone so everyone can hear him.

Many cheer due to the fact that the human race has survived. Others scream and cry due to the fact that their families were most likely vaporized by the heat of the sun.

I go silent. The fact that everyone I know was just killed hits me hard. My parents, all my friends, my teachers, the fucking mailman that said "hello" to me every morning. They are all gone. I have never felt more alone.

I get up and run out of the room quickly. The celebration of others makes me sick. I run back to the apartment and break down.

'How could anyone celebrate during a time like this? Everyone they know was probably just killed! My entire family is dead now! I can't believe this! What kind of people would celebrate that!? This is a time of mourning!'

I curl up in a ball and cry, tugging at my hair. I was always very close with my family. I can't imagine life knowing that they aren't here anymore.

'I knew that when I came to The Oasis that I was going to lose them, but I don't think I understood that completely. Some small part of me thought they would be okay. Some part of me thought that the sun wouldn't explode and it would hold out until I was dead. The rest of me knew this wasn't true, but I wanted to believe it.'

I cry softly and don't bother to look up when I hear the door open. I know that it is Cadence. He most likely will not show any emotion towards this event. He most likely doesn't care.

I am surprised to feel Cadence pulling me into a hug. It is normally I that initiates a hug with him. Perhaps he is just trying to cheer me up one of the only ways he knows how.

I hug him tightly and continue to cry. He teases my hair softly and whispers soft words of reassurance. Stuff like "they're in a better place," or "it'll be okay soon."

After a while, I do manage to feel a bit better. I am still extremely saddened, but Cadence is helping. He makes me happy. He is my only friend in The Oasis and I don't know what I'd do without him.

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