Chapter 19

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Cadence P.O.V

'It was stupid and selfish of me to try and leave without even saying goodbye. I gave Josh no explanation. Could I have really left him like that? I don't know. It might not hurt at the moment, but guilt could come back and kill me in the end. I really am stupid for trying. '

Josh holds me close to him. The room is under the plague of silence. I don't want to say anything to make the situation worse. The last thing I need to do is open my mouth and say something stupid.

"C'mon, let's go for a walk," Josh suggests while sitting up.

I nod and zip up my hoodie as we leave the apartment. We walk through town for a few minutes before I see Mayor Greene.

Josh whistles lowly. "I wonder who got feisty with Mayor Greene. Whoever did popped him good," he says, referring to the black eye he now has.

"I did that," I mumble.

I'm not particularly proud of myself. Once people find out that I hurt the precious mayor I'll be the talk of The Oasis and everyone will hate me. I don't care about being hated, but when people talk rumors begin.

Rumors are the worst part of being social. Something as simple as punching the mayor could be morphed into something as bad as pulling a gun on him. It's all because people can't mind their own business and keep their mouths shut. It is quite frustrating. 

Josh and I continue to walk around town for a while, reaching the forest where you could smell happy memories. We weren't going anywhere in particular, but we still ended up here.

I slowly pick off a leaf and bring it to my face. I take a deep breath in and sigh. Still nothing. I drop the leaf and keep walking with Josh. The only thing I can smell is his cologne. It isn't strong, it just lingers.

I sigh softly as we walk. Josh glances at me, probably just to make sure I'm okay. The forest is a bit boring because I don't see much around. It seems like an empty forest with only plant life. It's strange.

"I like walking in the forest," Josh says.

I shrug and look around. "I used to walk around the forest before I came here. It was peaceful. It was the only place I could be alone. But this isn't the same, I don't see any animals. It makes me sad," I tell him, looking around. 

Josh grabs my hand and pulls me to a large tree. He points up, catching my attention. I look up and see a small nest. When I listen closely I hear the faint chirping of baby birds.

Somehow I feel comforted by the thought of new animal life. Baby animals are so innocent and precious. The fact that they can survive inside this dome gives me some small piece of hope that things will be able to survive here. I still would not want to bring a child into this world.

'The government cannot force me into their flawed system.'

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