Chapter 7

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Cadence P.O.V

Josh and I continue to walk around in The Oasis. It seems nice and all, but it doesn't feel like there will be much privacy. That is something I do not like. I am a very private person.

While Josh and I walk I see Sandra walking towards us. I keep my head down and keep walking. I don't want to talk to her at the moment. I don't even want to see her.

She shoves passed me, purposefully hitting me with her shoulder. I huff softly and keep walking. 

"What was that about?" Josh asks, obviously being confused because Sandra probably just seems like a random girl to him.

"She's my sister. We're not exactly on each other's good graces right now," I explain, rubbing my shoulder.

"Oh, that's unfortunate," he says softly.

I shrug as we start walking back to our apartment. "It could be worse."

He doesn't ask why it could be worse. He's probably had enough negativity for one day. I have too. Everyone is exhausted from moving day.

I flop down on my bed and sigh, staring at the ceiling. The whole room is white and boring. I wish that it was more colorful, but there is nothing I can do about that.

Josh stretches and walks towards our shared bathroom in our small apartment. "I'm gonna take a shower," he says while closing the door.

I thought about taking off my binder in there earlier, but I thought it would be strange. I go in and then come out with breasts? That would be pretty strange.

I sigh and rest my forearm over my eyes. The day has slowly gotten darker and more relaxed. The government is truly making this feel real, but I will not fall for their artificial way of life. I know that none of this is real. It's all technology.

I unlock my phone and head to my notes. I quickly type how my day has been going. I'm going to try and keep track of the days as well as I can. I want to have a personal journal that could tell the truth about what happened to me if things start to get ugly. Perhaps if Josh and I remain friends for that long he can be the one who reveals the truth.

I glance at the bathroom door. It is white just like everything else in this damn building. I like darker colors. White is too bright. Darker colors are easier on my eyes because they're what I'm used to.

'Maybe once things settle down I could find a sketch book and hang up some drawings. At least then the room wouldn't be so monochrome. It's just so boring.'

I look over to Josh's side of the room. He doesn't have much with him, just like everyone else. He has a backpack full of belongings and that's it. The only good thing about The Oasis is that it forces materialistic people to downsize to only the necessities.

I plug my charger into the wall socket and hook it up to my phone. I notice that I don't have any service, but that's most likely so they can save some resources until The Oasis is fully up and running.

'This is going to be a long two years.'

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