4. Giant Teddy Bear

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"You look nice." I jump in shock, turning around to see the twins. Smiles resurrect on their faces from my little jump, making me sneer.

They both wear gray, Reed with long sleeves and Sawyer short sleeves with a white shirt under.

"Not so bad yourself." This October Fest is huge an crowded with teenagers and family groups. These two could've been here with friends and yet we're doing this.

"You know why we're here, right?"

"Yes! Stop reminding us. It becomes a pain hearing negative things fly out your mouth." I roll my eyes, trying my best to dress like I was a teenager and not a older person.

I am twenty six, but still.

"Do you think I fit the image of a eighteen year old girl?" I ask, and when their eyes look me up and down, it just feels like I'm being undressed right then and there.

"You look fine to me."

"Yep, couldn't have said it any better way. You look one of us - I mean you never looked old so I don't think it would've made a difference."

"But at least you put thought into our date."

"This is isn't a date!" The twins chuckle, some people looking over at me.

"People are staring-."

"I can see that!" I take a deep breath, seeing the dunking booth." One of you, go in there." I point, and when they see it Sawyer is the first to run over.

"I love getting wet!" He yells, going to the man that was originally inside. The guy didn't seem to mind, so Sawyer took off his socks and shoes.

I go up, grabbing a ball as I look at the target.

"You really want to get him wet huh?" Reed asks, and I snort, shoving his arm playfully. Making him chuckle.

"1...2...3... THROW!!" Sawyer yells, and I step back, remembering my softball years. I draw back my arm, thrusting forward as my foot lands on the ground, throwing the ball.

It hits the center perfectly, Sawyers face going pale as the seat let loose. Then he was in the water.

"Hahaha!" Reed laughs, going to the tank, pointing his finger at Sawyer. Sawyer swims to the surface, and I can't help but laugh a little at his expression.

Once he climbs out he dries his feet putting back on his socks and shoes.

"I was confident that you wouldn't hit the target. Now look at me!" He flicked his hands at Reed, resulting in them wrestling a bit.

"You two, calm down!" I get between them, pushing them apart. To my surprise, they crush in on me. Half of me getting wet and the other half dry.

"Reed! Sawyer! Stop it!" I try to hold back a little giggle that was coming up. Their arms holding me as my feet were off the ground, spinning me around with them.

By the time they let me down I looked crazy.

"You both...need to learn some boundaries." I say, trying to get my breath back.

"When you're with your mate, there's no such thing as," I felt their lips snip at my ear, a shiver going down my neck,"boundaries."

I pull away, knowing that I am blushing.

"Come with us." They both grab my wrists, and I am literally being forced somewhere to my will.

The next thing I know we're behind a booth station, both if them in front of me.

My Alpha Twin Students Are My Mates [ BOOK I & II ]Where stories live. Discover now