41. Welcome to Spain

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"Barcelona baby!" I looked at the twins as we were in the jet, looking down on the very city.

"They look like ants." I look to Sawyer, rolling my eyes at his cheesy words.

"We haven't been here for over two years. Now that we all are officially free from any work, now it's time to go on track. Our groups, JGF, will be unstoppable." I heard Edward say, and I looked at Mr. Fitz as he rolled his eyes like me.

The twins, Niko, Opal, Edward, Yale, Mr. Fitz, and I are all here because...I don't really know why.

"Why are we here?" I ask Reed, and he shrugs.

"I'm guessing since all three of the families are together something bigs goin' down."

"I bet." I sigh, afraid. This is my first time, ever, out of the United States. So being brought here to Barcelona, Spain, is...something else.

Niko is sleeping in one of chairs and Opal is reading a book while eating some Oreos. I wish I was so relaxed like that, but what if this plane crashes?

"You look worried." I jump, looking to see I Yale behind me. He smiles, passing me a water bottle.

"I am. I've never really been on a plane before."

"Hmm? Well, could've convinced me otherwise. Just the little furrow of the eyebrows tells a different story." I snicker a little, and when the plane hit a bump I felt my heart drop.

"I don't know how you are so relaxed. How is Niko sleeping? How are the twins enjoying this? Where is Edward?" Yale raises his eyebrows, and points to the very end of the plane.

"He's flying it-."

"What!" I cry, the twins appearing out of nowhere.

"What's going on? Mr. Grey?!"

"Nothing! She found out that Eddie is piloting the plane." Yale says, and the twins sigh in relief.

"Oh yeah. He's doing a good job, probably because you're here and it makes him more dedicated to landing this plane safely." When Reed says that Yale blushes, looking back.

"I'm going to go check on him." As he walked back the twins pretended to throw up.

I walked back to my seat, the two of them sitting across from me.

"It'll be alright. You'll survive. It's not like out of all the jets that ours would crash to the ground, be set ablaze, and then we'd burn to a crisp. It's not impossible, but it's unlikely." Reed glares at Sawyer for his words, and I became even more nervous.

"I feel sick..."

"Oh come on! I said it's unlikely, but not im-."

"Dude?! Shut the fuck up! You're not helping!" Reed yells over his voice, making Sawyer fold his arms, pouting.

The more we sat there we started edging towards the ground.

"Let's talk." Sawyer says.

"About what?"

"Let's talk about sex, baby." I raise my eyebrows and Reed smirks.

My Alpha Twin Students Are My Mates [ BOOK I & II ]Where stories live. Discover now