49. Going Along

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"Me gustaría enviar un millón de dólares de la cuenta de Edward Jones a la mía." (I would like to wire one million dollars from Edward Jones account to mine.) I hear Reed say to the banker, and the banker nods as he disappears around the corner.

"What'd you just say?" I ask, and Reed looks around before leaning forward.

"I just transferred one million dollars to my account from dads account." I feel a shiver down my spine. One million...!

"Won't he notice?"

"No. He has so much money that he won't notice if I took ten million dollars. Right now, I'm being nice taking just one." I roll my eyes, proving that their family has way to much money.

"Aren't Edward and Yale having a wedding soon? Don't they need the money?"

"Like I said, he has so much money that he won't even notice. And those two shouldn't be having such a big wedding, yet, they are. So." When the banker came back he said something in Spanish, then Reed nodded.

After that he nodded towards the door, meaning it's time to go.

Once we were out the door there was Sawyer and Danny, talking as Sawyer looked annoyed.

"I did it. Now what is it that you're trying to buy with this money?" Reed asked, and Danny shrugged as we were now waiting for the car to come.

"Something that will make me bigger."

"A buffet of food?" Sawyer mocked, and Danny rolled his eyes.

"No. I'm going to upgrade my fathers mafia. He kept it in the same condition from the day it started. Your groups are always upgrading and becoming better."

"Maybe that's because we have hundreds on our side that help us out. It's not easy maintaining a mafia by just a family. Need donators from other groups, connect, be open to make options, not being indecisive, and not making half-ass deals." Reed says matter-of-factly, and Danny glares at him.

"It's not that I make bad deals, my dads just...really cheap and thought his mafia group would grow naturally. Obviously, no one was interested in being ruled by a cheapskate."

I look to Reed as he nods, I take a deep breath.


"Hmm?" He looked, eyebrows raised as he waited.

"Why are you doing this?"

"You know," he folds his arms, and he points towards a bench, and we all sit down. Him sitting across from us," I am not doing this because I hate you guys. I'm doing this for my benefit. It's all about me. And only me. And you guys helping me will make me feel better about...me!"

"That's a lot of 'me's'." Sawyer says.

"Right?" Reed says mockingly, and Danny sneers.

I suddenly feel a piercing pain in the back of my neck, right on my spine. And I gasp, becoming paralyzed as only my eyes could move.

My eyes looked at Danny, and he smirked.

Sawyer and Reed look at me with worry, and glare at Danny.

"What'd you do to her? The deal was if we helped you, you wouldn't hurt her."

"Yeah. I haven't hurt her."

"You're hurting her right now you sadist!" Sawyer yells, attracting some eyes.

"What I am doing is paralyzing her. While she was passed out I inserted something into her spine that when ever it feels my direct vision, it starts moving. Slowly, and at some point, it'll just...yank out. Killing her instantly."

Reed is the first one to jump up, grabbing him by the shirt collar and growling at him.

But I feel more pain, tears swelling in my eyes and I fall into Sawyer.

"Please stop." Sawyer asks, and when he does the pain ceases, and I try to contain my breathing.

"Now you both have to go along with me. Or she dies."

"Did you fall a lot as a kid? I think you did." Sawyer sneers, and Danny rolls his eyes.

I rest my hand on the back of my neck, rubbing to see if anything was there. But nothing. Must've healed.

"So, with that money... I need you to convince your father to invite my family to your to their wedding-."

"Hell no! That's a family event, and I'm not trying to have you jack that up with your old-lookin ass!" Reed shouts, and Danny sighs.

"Why not?! I'm not gonna do anything! This is a chance for me to know you guys better before I do anything drastic."

"'Drastic'?" Reed says, and Danny nods.

"Maybe." Sawyer says.

And I know the are going to talk to Edward.


Sorry for being so late.

What'd you think?

Obviously it's gonna get wild soon.

Wedding and such.

Like, what?


Luv ya!!!!😁😜😘

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